开发者:上海品职教育科技有限公司 隐私政策详情


eee · 2019年05月20日


The new risk-based regulations also require companies to gather client information as part of know-your-client and anti-money-laundering processes. Bukenya creates a confidentiality policy restricting access to existing and prospective client information. The information is only available to personnel who are authorized by the existing or prospective client. The one exception is if the client or prospective client is thought to be conducting illegal activities. In this circumstance, the information can be released without authorization if the information is demanded through a court order or other legal requirement.

Q. Does Bukenya’s confidentiality policy most likely violate Standard III(E)–Preservation of Confidentiality?

  1. No.
  2. Yes, with regard to type of information.
  3. Yes, with regard to client status


C is correct. Standard III(E)–Preservation of Confidentiality requires information about former clients, as well as existing and prospective clients, to be kept confidential unless the law requires the disclosure or permission has been given to disclose the information. Jacaranda’s policies cover only existing and prospective clients.


1 个答案

发亮_品职助教 · 2019年05月22日

原版书关于Standard III(E)–Preservation of Confidentiality 的规定为,必须对客户的信息保密,除非有以下3种情况发生:

  1. The information concerns illegal activities on the part of the client,信息里涉及违法活动
  2. Disclosure is required by law; or,法律规定要披露
  3. The client or prospective client permits disclosure of the information,客户同意披露

同时,客户的意思是: current客户, former客户, and prospective clients客户,包括三种类型客户。

然后题目问,Bukenya给他们公司制定的confidentiality policy符合不符合协会Ethics的要求?

首先他的规定提到了,可以不对客户信息保密的情况有:违法活动(conducting illegal activities)、法律要求(if the information is demanded through a court order or other legal requirement.),这样的规定在Ethics的框架内,所以在这点上不违反。

这就是对应解释这句话:to be kept confidential unless the law requires the disclosure or permission has been given to disclose the information. 


这点对应解释这句:Jacaranda’s policies cover only existing and prospective clients.

而解释的这句:Standard III(E)–Preservation of Confidentiality requires information about former clients, as well as existing and prospective clients, to be kept confidential unless the law requires the disclosure or permission has been given to disclose the information. 就是描述了一遍准则的要求。

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