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Feeling · 2019年05月19日









best at efficiently building不是在问谁的TC最高吗?因为TC是forecasted return的实现程度,er而IC是forecasted return的准确度。


2 个答案

Wendy_品职助教 · 2019年05月21日

本题问which manager is the best at efficiently building portfolios by anticipating future returns? 这句话的重点其实是by anticipating future returns,基金经理预测未来收益率能力,衡量指标是IC;还有另一道题问which manager is the best at building to make full use of their ability to correctly anticipate returns? 这道题问哪个基金经理能够最有效实现构建组合的想法,也就是基金经理的执行能力,衡量指标是TC;日常练习的时候遇到定性的题目,可以多读几遍题目,要熟悉协会的定性表述。再多读几遍,感受一下英文的这些表述,我们需要慢慢培养这种技能。

Wendy_品职助教 · 2019年05月20日

三个基金经理都声称自己擅于预测收益率,而题目问which manager is the best at efficiently building portfolios by anticipating future returns? 这句话的重点其实是by anticipating future returns,基金经理预测未来收益率能力,衡量指标是IC,IC越大,预测能力越强。

计算IC公式中的COR不会是负的,风险调整后的forecasted active returns与realized active returns之间的相关性,基金经理不能预测一个股票表现差,反而去买它。

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NO.PZ2015121810000021 Manager 2 Manager 3 C is correct. The proper statistic to calculate is the information coefficient, anit is finefollows: IC=COR(RAiσi,μiσi)IC=COR(\frac{R_{Ai}}{\sigma_i},\frac{\mu_i}{\sigma_i})IC=COR(σi​RAi​​,σi​μi​​) A manager is a gooforecaster if his or her ex-ante active return expectations (forecasts) are highly correlatewith the realizeactive returns. The information coefficient requires ththese forecasts anrealizereturns risk-weighte When this is ne for the three managers, the risk weighteforecasts anrealizereturns are: The Iare founcalculating the correlations between eamanager’s forecasts anthe realizerisk-weightereturns. The three managers have the following ICs: Manager 3 hthe highest I考点: The FunmentLof Active Management 解析三个基金经理都声称自己擅于预测收益率,而题目问哪个基金经理预测未来收益率能力最强,因此衡量指标是IC,也就是调整风险后的forecasteactive returns与realizeactive returns之间的相关性。IC越大,预测能力越强。 计算公式为 IC=COR(RAiσi,μiσi)IC=COR(\frac{R_{Ai}}{\sigma_i},\frac{\mu_i}{\sigma_i})IC=COR(σi​RAi​​,σi​μi​​) 。如英文答案中的表格所示,首先计算Risk-weighteforecasts return和Risk-weighterealizereturn,然后使用计算器求correlation 以Manager 1为例 首先清除历史记录【2n【7】【2n【CLR WORK】 依次输入两组数据X01=0.176【↓】Y01=0.353【↓】X02=0.400【↓】Y02=0.700【↓】X03=0.417【↓】Y03=0.333【↓】X04=0.240【↓】Y04=0.080 求出相关性系数【2n【8】一直按向下的箭头,直到出现r,r=0.5317。(与英文答案略有差异,是保留小数点的误差。) 请问前面的权重不管了吗?

2021-07-04 11:38 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2015121810000021 C is correct. The proper statistic to calculate is the information coefficient, anit is finefollows: {$table2} A manager is a gooforecaster if his or her ex-ante active return expectations (forecasts) are highly correlatewith the realizeactive returns. The information coefficient requires ththese forecasts anrealizereturns risk-weighte When this is ne for the three managers, the risk weighteforecasts anrealizereturns are: {$table3} The Iare founcalculating the correlations between eamanager’s forecasts anthe realizerisk-weightereturns. The three managers have the following ICs: {$table4} Manager 3 hthe highest IC 我看到是这样的,没有table显示

2021-05-14 00:14 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2015121810000021 X01=0.176【↓】Y01=0.353【↓】X02=0.400【↓】Y02=0.700【↓】X03=0.417【↓】Y03=0.333【↓】X04=0.240【↓】Y04=0.080 老师,这一排数字怎么来的额?

2021-04-28 19:40 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2015121810000021 老师好 如果这题C 算出的correlation = -0.67 的话, 还是选C 吗? 负的话说明是 负相关,也就是说这经理越策能力很差。忘记比较CORR是比绝对值还是不是, 感觉应该不是比较绝对值,但想确认一下。谢谢。

2021-04-05 14:37 1 · 回答

按题目的意思,这是在说组合的建立与预期收益率之间的关系吧?应该是TC啊。 并不是预测超额收益率与实际超额收益率之间的关系啊

2020-06-29 15:43 2 · 回答