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eee · 2019年05月17日

active risk ,active share官网题

Lazare and Warrack make the following comments about Active Share and active risk in the context of a single-factor model:

  • The level of active risk will rise with an increase in idiosyncratic volatility.

  • The active risk attributed to Active Share will be smaller in more diversified portfolios.

  • If the factor exposure is fully neutralized, the Active Share will be entirely attributed to the active risk.

Q. In Lazare and Warrack’s comments about Active Share and active risk, the comment that is leastaccurate is the one concerning:

  1. portfolio diversification.
  2. neutralizing factor exposure.
  3. increasing idiosyncratic volatility.


B is correct. The comment concerning neutralizing factor exposure is incorrect: In a single-factor model, if the factor exposure is neutralized, the active risk will be entirely attributable to the Active Share—a consequence of the manager deviating from benchmark weights. The active risk attributed to Active Share will be smaller for more diversified portfolios with lower idiosyncratic risk. Active risk does rise with an increase in factor and idiosyncratic volatility.

A is incorrect because the active risk attributed to Active Share will be smaller for more diversified portfolios with lower idiosyncratic risk.

C is incorrect because active risk does rise with an increase in factor and idiosyncratic volatility.


2 个答案

maggie_品职助教 · 2019年05月18日


active risk在衡量组合与benchmark不同时既考虑了权重又考虑了相关性,因此它是包含active share的。

1、如果我们不从个股角度出发而是风险因子的角度(其实和个股的理解是相似的),组合包含的风险因子越多,完全中性化说明组合和benchmark承担的风险因子是相同的,说明组合与benchmark的相关性很高,应该active risk 很小才对,但是如果此时还是有active risk 那么就是因为active share权重不同导致的。

2、如果组合包含股票数量很多,非系统性风险很小即一个完全分散化的组合,那么该组合和benchmark 很像,此时权重的差别应该很小,那么AR中由于权重带来的不同(AS)就很小。

3、当组合的因子更加集中(非系统性风险上升),组合与benchmark更不像,active risk也就跟着上升。

eee · 2019年05月18日


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