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自然音 · 2019年05月14日

Reading 24 课后题23

答案中提到Inter-market trades need not break even unless the “first-period” rate is the same in the two markets. If the currency exposure is not hedged, then breaking even also requires that there be no change in the currency exchange rate. 请问这个结论是如何严格推导出来的?谢谢!
1 个答案

发亮_品职助教 · 2019年05月15日


对于Intra-market,如果收益率曲线实现了期初Spot rate隐含的Implied forward rate,那么Intra-market carry trade实现盈亏平衡,因为实现的借贷利率都是一样。

然后,这个结论不能推广到Inter-market carry trade。然后答案下面这句是解释为什么不能推广到Inter-market carry trade:

Inter-market trades need not break even unless the “first-period” rate is the same in the two markets. If the currency exposure is not hedged, then breaking even also requires that there be no change in the currency exchange rate.

关于,Intra-market,如果收益率曲线实现了期初Spot rate隐含的Implied forward rate,那么Intra-market carry trade实现盈亏平衡,这点其实是来自2级的一个结论:

If forward rates are realized, then all bonds, regardless of maturity, will have the same one-period realized return, which is the first-period spot rate.


1-year Spot rate = 2%

2-year spot rate = 3%

3-year spot rate = 4%

这个Spot rate隐含的forward rate为:

 f(1,1) = 4.01%

f(1,2) = 5.015%

假设一年过去了,利率实现了当初Spot rate隐含的Forward rate,即站在1年后的时间点看,one-year spot rate = 4.01%;2-year spot rate = 5.015%;

我们投资一个1-year zero-coupon bond,那实现的收益率就是1-year spot rate = 2%,因为到期100,期初定价是2%定的,所以实现2%的收益率。

假设我们投资的是一个2-year zero-coupon bond,投资这一年实现的收益率计算为:


1年过去后,按照新的Spot rate定价:100/(1+4.01%)=96.145


这样发现,如果收益率曲线实现了期初Spot rate隐含的Implied forward rate,无论投资的是什么样期限的债券,这一年的投资收益率,都是第一期的Spot rate 2%。


will have the same one-period realized return, which is the first-period spot rate.



所以这一年的投资收益为:(90.68 - 88.90)/88.90 = 2%

这个结论引申到Intra-market carry就是:如果利率实现了期初Spot rate隐含的Implied forward rate,那么无论是何种期限的债券,实现的投资收益率都一样,都是第一期的Spot rate,那这样的话,在这个投资期,Carry trade即便是借短期投长期,Carry trade实现的借贷利率是一样的,就刚好盈亏平衡。

所以做Intra-market Carry trade的投资者都是认为将来实现的利率不等于期初隐含的Implied forward rate。

回忆Carry trade的收益率预测是Stable,今天长啥样明天还是啥样,所以明天的1-year spot rate还是2%,2-year还是3%,显然没有实现期初预测的4.01%。

然后,这道题是想把上面那个结论引申到Inter-market carry trade。

"Inter-market trades need not break even unless the “first-period” rate is the same in the two markets."

这里的First-period rate是指One-period realized return,一个Holding period实现的Return。

首先对于Inter-market carry trade,即便利率实现了期初预测的Implied forward rate也无所谓,因为是两个市场,大家都有各自自己市场内部的First-period spot rate rate,first-period rate也不一样相等。

然后就是即便First-period rate相等(一个Holding period return相等也无所谓),因为两国还涉及汇率的变动,所以不一定Breakeven。

所以对于Inter-market carry trade,要实现盈亏平衡,有一个可能就是要保证:

Holding-period return相等;同时,Currency rate不变。

以上就是这句话的意思,不是一个硬结论,算是一种解释为什么Intra-market carry trade的结论不能推广到Inter-market。

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