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JeuxInterdits · 2019年05月09日









如果有高水位,又是超过前一年末的资产净值的,是不是表示已经计提过业绩报酬,那就必然已经超过了soft hurdle rate?后续只要超过高水位的部分(扣除管理费之后),就需要计提业绩报酬,不需要每次都去比对hurdle rate了?

1 个答案

韩韩_品职助教 · 2019年05月09日


举个连续4年的例子,第一年年初AUM1=90,第二年年初(也是第一年年底!)AUM2=102,第三年年初AUM3=95,第4年年初AUM4=110,假如我们现在计算的是第三年到第四年这1年的业绩报酬,那么102就是之前的一个high water mark(可以自己在纸上画个折线图,连接90、102、95、110这四个点,高低不同就能看出来),此时95到102这一段是之前发过业绩报酬的,也就是你提问题的前半部分,这是对的。但是最后一年绩效奖计算时,高水位的条件和hurdle rate条件理论上是两个独立的条件,不一定说只要超过高水位就一定超过hurdle rate,只不过我们常见的题目中都是high water都要高于hurdle rate。比如我们上面的例子中,年初是95,年底涨到110,之前高点是102,假如最后一年要求的hurdle rate要求时8%,即:年底值要超过102*1.08=110.16,才可以拿绩效奖,这就成了满足了高水位,但是没满足hurdle rate要求,所以也是有可能的。但是实际上我们考试题目出的非常常规,建议就按照我们讲课时老师教的方法画竖线图,标出不同要求的点位,顺便也就比较了所有要求的条件是否满足,这样肯定也不会有遗漏。

JeuxInterdits · 2019年05月10日

了解了,也就是说不管是soft hurdle rate 还是 hard hurdle rate,都是在高水位的基础上来计算年化收益率,每次计提业绩报酬都需要计算和比对,谢谢。 PS:怎么这个回答很像李老师的讲课风格,哈哈

韩韩_品职助教 · 2019年05月10日


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NO.PZ2018053101000016 问题如下 The following information applies to Rotun Aisors, a hee fun• $288 million in assets unr management (AUM) of prior year-en 2% management fee (baseon year-enAUM)• 20% incentive fee calculaten net of management feen using a 5% soft hure raten using a high-water mark (high-water mark is $357 million)• Current yefunreturn is 25%The totfee earneRotun in the current yeis closest to: A.$7.20 million. B.$20.16 million. C.$21.60 million. A is correct.Rotun earns a management fee of $7.20 million but es not earn incentive fee because the yearenfunvalue net of management fee es not exceethe high-water mark of $357 million.Rotun fees:Enof-yeAUM = Prior year-enAUM × (1 + Funreturn) = $288 million × 1.25 = $360 million$360 million × 2% = $7.20 million management fee$360 million – $7.2 million = $352.8 million AUM net of management feeThe year-enAUM net of fees es not exceethe $357 million high-water mark. Therefore, no incentive fee is earne年底AUM=年初AUM*(1+增长率)=$288 million × 1.25 = $360 million所以,管理费=$360 million × 2% = $7.20 million,因此扣除完管理费的年底净值=$360 million – $7.2 million = $352.8 million由于有高水位的要求,之前高点为$357 million,$352.8 million $357 million,未达到要求,所以不发绩效奖。GP只能拿到管理费部分。 高水位357,hure rate是5%,所以年末的AUM应该至少达到357*(1+5%)=374.85以上,才有可能拿绩效奖,现在年末AUM是360,所以没有绩效奖,只考虑管理费即可。

2024-03-05 21:56 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018053101000016问题如下The following information applies to Rotun Aisors, a hee fun• $288 million in assets unr management (AUM) of prior year-en 2% management fee (baseon year-enAUM)• 20% incentive fee calculaten net of management feen using a 5% soft hure raten using a high-water mark (high-water mark is $357 million)• Current yefunreturn is 25%The totfee earneRotun in the current yeis closest to:A.$7.20 million.B.$20.16 million.C.$21.60 million.A is correct.Rotun earns a management fee of $7.20 million but es not earn incentive fee because the yearenfunvalue net of management fee es not exceethe high-water mark of $357 million.Rotun fees:Enof-yeAUM = Prior year-enAUM × (1 + Funreturn) = $288 million × 1.25 = $360 million$360 million × 2% = $7.20 million management fee$360 million – $7.2 million = $352.8 million AUM net of management feeThe year-enAUM net of fees es not exceethe $357 million high-water mark. Therefore, no incentive fee is earne年底AUM=年初AUM*(1+增长率)=$288 million × 1.25 = $360 million所以,管理费=$360 million × 2% = $7.20 million,因此扣除完管理费的年底净值=$360 million – $7.2 million = $352.8 million由于有高水位的要求,之前高点为$357 million,$352.8 million $357 million,未达到要求,所以不发绩效奖。GP只能拿到管理费部分。hure rate那条线什么情况下是在高水位线的基础上算,什么时候是在基础value上算呢

2023-08-26 11:41 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018053101000016 问题如下 The following information applies to Rotun Aisors, a hee fun• $288 million in assets unr management (AUM) of prior year-en 2% management fee (baseon year-enAUM)• 20% incentive fee calculaten net of management feen using a 5% soft hure raten using a high-water mark (high-water mark is $357 million)• Current yefunreturn is 25%The totfee earneRotun in the current yeis closest to: A.$7.20 million. B.$20.16 million. C.$21.60 million. A is correct.Rotun earns a management fee of $7.20 million but es not earn incentive fee because the yearenfunvalue net of management fee es not exceethe high-water mark of $357 million.Rotun fees:Enof-yeAUM = Prior year-enAUM × (1 + Funreturn) = $288 million × 1.25 = $360 million$360 million × 2% = $7.20 million management fee$360 million – $7.2 million = $352.8 million AUM net of management feeThe year-enAUM net of fees es not exceethe $357 million high-water mark. Therefore, no incentive fee is earne年底AUM=年初AUM*(1+增长率)=$288 million × 1.25 = $360 million所以,管理费=$360 million × 2% = $7.20 million,因此扣除完管理费的年底净值=$360 million – $7.2 million = $352.8 million由于有高水位的要求,之前高点为$357 million,$352.8 million $357 million,未达到要求,所以不发绩效奖。GP只能拿到管理费部分。 高水位线是和扣除了管理费之后的数值比较吗?为什么有的题目是直接和年末aum 比较?

2023-06-10 00:01 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018053101000016 $20.16 million. $21.60 million. A is correct. Rotun earns a management fee of $7.20 million but es not earn incentive fee because the yearenfunvalue net of management fee es not exceethe high-water mark of $357 million. Rotun fees: Enof-yeAUM = Prior year-enAUM × (1 + Funreturn) = $288 million × 1.25 = $360 million $360 million × 2% = $7.20 million management fee $360 million – $7.2 million = $352.8 million AUM net of management fee The year-enAUM net of fees es not exceethe $357 million high-water mark. Therefore, no incentive fee is earne 年底AUM=年初AUM*(1+增长率)=$288 million × 1.25 = $360 million 所以,管理费=$360 million × 2% = $7.20 million,因此扣除完管理费的年底净值=$360 million –  $7.2 million = $352.8 million 由于有高水位的要求,之前高点为$357 million,$352.8 million<$357 million,未达到要求,所以不发绩效奖。GP只能拿到管理费部分。题目有特别说明吗 还是默认这样

2021-05-26 15:45 1 · 回答

$20.16 million. $21.60 million. A is correct. Rotun earns a management fee of $7.20 million but es not earn incentive fee because the yearenfunvalue net of management fee es not exceethe high-water mark of $357 million. Rotun fees: Enof-yeAUM = Prior year-enAUM × (1 + Funreturn) = $288 million × 1.25 = $360 million $360 million × 2% = $7.20 million management fee $360 million – $7.2 million = $352.8 million AUM net of management fee The year-enAUM net of fees es not exceethe $357 million high-water mark. Therefore, no incentive fee is earne 年底AUM=年初AUM*(1+增长率)=$288 million × 1.25 = $360 million 所以,管理费=$360 million × 2% = $7.20 million,因此扣除完管理费的年底净值=$360 million –  $7.2 million = $352.8 million 由于有高水位的要求,之前高点为$357 million,$352.8 million<$357 million,未达到要求,所以不发绩效奖。GP只能拿到管理费部分。 ​是不是harhure rate才是在high-water*(1+hure rate)的基础上去计算incentive fee?这题是soft hure rate,是不是和初始本金比?但是因为有高水位,是不是基础就是high water?这个逻辑对吗?

2020-12-03 17:49 1 · 回答