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Addison · 2019年04月14日

一道题:NO.PZ2016082404000015 [ FRM I ]






D. 没看懂,可以解释下为什么选c吗


1 个答案

orange品职答疑助手 · 2019年04月14日


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NO.PZ2016082404000015问题如下 Whiof the following statements is/are true with respeto basis risk? I. Basis risk arises in cross-heing strategies, but there is no basis risk when the unrlying asset anhee asset are intical. II. A short hee position benefits from unexpectestrengthening of basis. III. A long hee position benefits from unexpectestrengthening of basis.   I anII   I anIII   II only   Ill only ANSWER: C Basis risk can arise if the maturities are fferent, so answer I. is incorrect. A short hee position is long the basis, whimeans thit benefits when the basis strengthens, because this means ththe futures priops relative to the spot price, whigenerates a profit. Strengthen of basis是指t时刻,现货价格大于期货价格,为什么这个情况是short futures会获益呢?可以具体下逻辑关系吗?

2024-05-15 23:15 2 · 回答

NO.PZ2016082404000015问题如下 Whiof the following statements is/are true with respeto basis risk? I. Basis risk arises in cross-heing strategies, but there is no basis risk when the unrlying asset anhee asset are intical. II. A short hee position benefits from unexpectestrengthening of basis. III. A long hee position benefits from unexpectestrengthening of basis.   I anII   I anIII   II only   Ill only ANSWER: C Basis risk can arise if the maturities are fferent, so answer I. is incorrect. A short hee position is long the basis, whimeans thit benefits when the basis strengthens, because this means ththe futures priops relative to the spot price, whigenerates a profit. 这里long hee是指long期货还是现货?清楚啊老师

2024-04-12 15:44 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2016082404000015 问题如下 Whiof the following statements is/are true with respeto basis risk? I. Basis risk arises in cross-heing strategies, but there is no basis risk when the unrlying asset anhee asset are intical. II. A short hee position benefits from unexpectestrengthening of basis. III. A long hee position benefits from unexpectestrengthening of basis.   I anII   I anIII   II only   Ill only ANSWER: C Basis risk can arise if the maturities are fferent, so answer I. is incorrect. A short hee position is long the basis, whimeans thit benefits when the basis strengthens, because this means ththe futures priops relative to the spot price, whigenerates a profit. 基差变大,有两种可能受益,一个是long现货,一个short futures,这里的short hee是特指short futures吗?

2023-11-02 10:30 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2016082404000015 问题如下 Whiof the following statements is/are true with respeto basis risk? I. Basis risk arises in cross-heing strategies, but there is no basis risk when the unrlying asset anhee asset are intical. II. A short hee position benefits from unexpectestrengthening of basis. III. A long hee position benefits from unexpectestrengthening of basis.   I anII   I anIII   II only   Ill only ANSWER: C Basis risk can arise if the maturities are fferent, so answer I. is incorrect. A short hee position is long the basis, whimeans thit benefits when the basis strengthens, because this means ththe futures priops relative to the spot price, whigenerates a profit. 老师您好,请问2,3要怎么理解。

2022-05-12 16:37 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2016082404000015   I anIII   II only   Ill only ANSWER: C Basis risk carise if the maturities are fferent, so answer I. is incorrect. A short hee position is long the basis, whimeans thit benefits when the basis strengthens, because this means ththe futures priops relative to the spot price, whigenerates a profit. basis risk 不是因为标的物不同造成的吗 为啥1错了

2022-03-06 05:12 1 · 回答