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没有色彩的主旨 · 2019年04月07日

问一道题:NO.PZ2018103102000148 [ CFA II ]








1 个答案

maggie_品职助教 · 2019年04月07日


慧慧 · 2020年03月14日


maggie_品职助教 · 2020年03月14日


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NO.PZ2018103102000148 问题如下 Tim, investment analyst in a securities firm, is preparing a monthly report for his clients. The aim of this report is to tell his clients the metho he uses to make investment cisions anthe performanof the portfolio for the past month. Tim ma the following statements in the metho part:Statement 1: Comparewith the unexpecteearnings, the SUE stanrses the unexpecteearnings the stanrviation of historicforecast errors or surprises.Statement 2: Relative-Strength incators compare a stock’s performanring a certain periowith its past performanor compare its certain perios performanwith the performanof some group of stocks.Accorng to the information above, whiof the following is correct? A.Statement 1 is correct, but statement 2 is wrong. B.Statement 1 is wrong, but statement 2 is correct. C.Both of statements are correct. C is correct.考点考察Stanrseunexpecteearnings、unexpecteearnings,以及Relative-strength incators的理解。解析关于UE,以及SUE有以下公式UEt=EPSt−E(EPSt)UE_t=EPS_t-E\left(EPS_t\right)UEt​=EPSt​−E(EPSt​)即本期的Unexpecteearnings等于本期实际的earnings减去本期预期的Earnings.而关于SUE有如下公式SUEt=EPSt−E(EPSt)σ[EPSt−E(EPSt)]SUE_t=\frac{EPS_t-E\left(EPS_t\right)}{\sigma\left[EPS_t-E\left(EPS_t\right)\right]}SUEt​=σ[EPSt​−E(EPSt​)]EPSt​−E(EPSt​)​其中分子是Unexpecteearnings,分母为历史unexpecteearnings的标准差。 请问现在这个知识点,还是考点吗?那个公示复习的时候,没遇到

2024-09-01 05:49 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018103102000148 问题如下 Tim, investment analyst in a securities firm, is preparing a monthly report for his clients. The aim of this report is to tell his clients the metho he uses to make investment cisions anthe performanof the portfolio for the past month. Tim ma the following statements in the metho part:Statement 1: Comparewith the unexpecteearnings, the SUE stanrses the unexpecteearnings the stanrviation of historicforecast errors or surprises.Statement 2: Relative-Strength incators compare a stock’s performanring a certain periowith its past performanor compare its certain perios performanwith the performanof some group of stocks.Accorng to the information above, whiof the following is correct? A.Statement 1 is correct, but statement 2 is wrong. B.Statement 1 is wrong, but statement 2 is correct. C.Both of statements are correct. C is correct.考点考察Stanrseunexpecteearnings、unexpecteearnings,以及Relative-strength incators的理解。解析关于UE,以及SUE有以下公式UEt=EPSt−E(EPSt)UE_t=EPS_t-E\left(EPS_t\right)UEt​=EPSt​−E(EPSt​)即本期的Unexpecteearnings等于本期实际的earnings减去本期预期的Earnings.而关于SUE有如下公式SUEt=EPSt−E(EPSt)σ[EPSt−E(EPSt)]SUE_t=\frac{EPS_t-E\left(EPS_t\right)}{\sigma\left[EPS_t-E\left(EPS_t\right)\right]}SUEt​=σ[EPSt​−E(EPSt​)]EPSt​−E(EPSt​)​其中分子是Unexpecteearnings,分母为历史unexpecteearnings的标准差。 请问在基础课的哪个章节,我去听一下

2024-04-18 18:43 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018103102000148 问题如下 Tim, investment analyst in a securities firm, is preparing a monthly report for his clients. The aim of this report is to tell his clients the metho he uses to make investment cisions anthe performanof the portfolio for the past month. Tim ma the following statements in the metho part:Statement 1: Comparewith the unexpecteearnings, the SUE stanrses the unexpecteearnings the stanrviation of historicforecast errors or surprises.Statement 2: Relative-Strength incators compare a stock’s performanring a certain periowith its past performanor compare its certain perios performanwith the performanof some group of stocks.Accorng to the information above, whiof the following is correct? A.Statement 1 is correct, but statement 2 is wrong. B.Statement 1 is wrong, but statement 2 is correct. C.Both of statements are correct. C is correct.考点考察Stanrseunexpecteearnings、unexpecteearnings,以及Relative-strength incators的理解。解析关于UE,以及SUE有以下公式UEt=EPSt−E(EPSt)UE_t=EPS_t-E\left(EPS_t\right)UEt​=EPSt​−E(EPSt​)即本期的Unexpecteearnings等于本期实际的earnings减去本期预期的Earnings.而关于SUE有如下公式SUEt=EPSt−E(EPSt)σ[EPSt−E(EPSt)]SUE_t=\frac{EPS_t-E\left(EPS_t\right)}{\sigma\left[EPS_t-E\left(EPS_t\right)\right]}SUEt​=σ[EPSt​−E(EPSt​)]EPSt​−E(EPSt​)​其中分子是Unexpecteearnings,分母为历史unexpecteearnings的标准差。 是的话,老师指点一下在哪里?我貌似忽略了这个点。谢谢老师

2023-08-08 08:02 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018103102000148问题如下Tim, investment analyst in a securities firm, is preparing a monthly report for his clients. The aim of this report is to tell his clients the metho he uses to make investment cisions anthe performanof the portfolio for the past month. Tim ma the following statements in the metho part:Statement 1: Comparewith the unexpecteearnings, the SUE stanrses the unexpecteearnings the stanrviation of historicforecast errors or surprises.Statement 2: Relative-Strength incators compare a stock’s performanring a certain periowith its past performanor compare its certain perios performanwith the performanof some group of stocks.Accorng to the information above, whiof the following is correct?A.Statement 1 is correct, but statement 2 is wrong.B.Statement 1 is wrong, but statement 2 is correct.C.Both of statements are correct. C is correct.考点考察Stanrseunexpecteearnings、unexpecteearnings,以及Relative-strength incators的理解。解析关于UE,以及SUE有以下公式UEt=EPSt−E(EPSt)UE_t=EPS_t-E\left(EPS_t\right)UEt​=EPSt​−E(EPSt​)即本期的Unexpecteearnings等于本期实际的earnings减去本期预期的Earnings.而关于SUE有如下公式SUEt=EPSt−E(EPSt)σ[EPSt−E(EPSt)]SUE_t=\frac{EPS_t-E\left(EPS_t\right)}{\sigma\left[EPS_t-E\left(EPS_t\right)\right]}SUEt​=σ[EPSt​−E(EPSt​)]EPSt​−E(EPSt​)​其中分子是Unexpecteearnings,分母为历史unexpecteearnings的标准差。请问此知识点需要掌握的程度

2022-06-12 16:48 2 · 回答

NO.PZ2018103102000148 Relative-Strength incators 是自己和自己过去比?自己和其他公司比?有ABSOLUTE-STRENGTH INCATORS吗?有什么区别,谢谢!

2021-04-16 11:21 1 · 回答