NO.PZ2016012101000140 问题如下 Cinnamon Corp. startebusiness in 2007 anuses the weighteaverage cost metho ring 2007, it purchase45,000 units of inventory €10 eaansol40,000 units for €20 each. In 2008, it purchaseanother 50,000 units €11 eaansol45,000 units for €22 each. Its 2008 cost of sales (€ thousan) wclosest to:(assume the companies use a perioc inventory system) A.€490. B.€491. C.€495. is correct.Cinnamon uses the weighteaverage cost metho so in 2008, 5,000 units of inventory were 2007 units €10 eaan50,000 were 2008 purchases €11. The weighteaverage cost of inventory ring 2008 wthus (5,000 ×10) + (50,000×11) = 50,000 + 550,000 =€600,000, anthe weighteaverage cost wapproximately €10.91 =€600,000/55,000. Cost of sales w€10.91×45,000, whiis approximately €490,950.解析2007年买的存货没全卖掉,2008年年初库存还有5000件,每件单价10块,2008年又采购了50000件,每件11块,加起来总成本=50000+550000=600000,再除以总件数55000,加权平均成本=600000/55000=10.91,这是2008年每件存货的成本,问的是2008年的COGS,2008年卖掉了45000件,COGS=45000*10.91=490950,用thousan单位就是491。 所以问第二年的成本第一年卖掉的那些就不算了吗?我直接把第一年和第二年的成本做了个加权平均
NO.PZ2016012101000140 问题如下 Cinnamon Corp. startebusiness in 2007 anuses the weighteaverage cost metho ring 2007, it purchase45,000 units of inventory €10 eaansol40,000 units for €20 each. In 2008, it purchaseanother 50,000 units €11 eaansol45,000 units for €22 each. Its 2008 cost of sales (€ thousan) wclosest to:(assume the companies use a perioc inventory system) A.€490. B.€491. C.€495. is correct.Cinnamon uses the weighteaverage cost metho so in 2008, 5,000 units of inventory were 2007 units €10 eaan50,000 were 2008 purchases €11. The weighteaverage cost of inventory ring 2008 wthus (5,000 ×10) + (50,000×11) = 50,000 + 550,000 =€600,000, anthe weighteaverage cost wapproximately €10.91 =€600,000/55,000. Cost of sales w€10.91×45,000, whiis approximately €490,950.解析2007年买的存货没全卖掉,2008年年初库存还有5000件,每件单价10块,2008年又采购了50000件,每件11块,加起来总成本=50000+550000=600000,再除以总件数55000,加权平均成本=600000/55000=10.91,这是2008年每件存货的成本,问的是2008年的COGS,2008年卖掉了45000件,COGS=45000*10.91=490950,用thousan单位就是491。 perioc inventory system的时间一般是多久呢
NO.PZ2016012101000140 之前看有一个答案是在这样的 算2008的平均成本,就是用这一年每一次购买的成本加权平均 2007年买入了45000,卖出了40000,所以剩下5000,这5000就是2018的初始成本,即5000*10 然后2008年又买入了50000,每个11块,所以就是50000*11 所以平均就是(5000*10+50000*11)/(5000+50000) 请问(5000*10+50000*11)/(5000+50000)这个公式怎么理解?为什么不是(5000*10+40000*11)/(45000)?
在算平均成本的时候为什么不是总的一起算?虽然2007年先卖出,可是按照perc system,不是一起算的吗?45000*10+50000*11/95000为什么不把这个当WAC?明明是perioc 的 system?