其一,为何不用MV加权平均的久期来衡量。其二,如果用麦考利久期,按照money duration相等来看,组合1的久期最高,所投入钱最少,所以为何不选组合1?其三,如果用麦考利久期,是否组合4和组合1都可以?
发亮_品职助教 · 2019年04月03日
Match Single Liability的三个要求如下:
这就是Match Single Liability的三个标准,所有的组合如果涉及到Match Single Liability就按上面的标准套就行了,单期负债匹配这里只用Macaulay duration。
因为让Macaulay duration等于债券的投资期可以使得:债券投资中面临的两大风险Reinvestment risk和Price risk相互抵消,既然相互抵消,所以利率的变动不会影响到债券的投资收益。
Macaulay duration相等是匹配单期负债的基础。匹配多期负债里的BPV相等的条件也是从这里引申出来的。
所以以上面的三个标准来看,这4个组合里面,最优的组合其实是Portfolio 4;
因为Single Liability,到期只有一笔负债现金流流出,可以看成是零息债券(Zero-coupon bond),ZCB的Maturity就等于其Macaulay duration。
所以这个9年期的债券,其Macaulay duration = 9
为了满足匹配的第一个条件,资产的Macaulay duration要等于9。这样只有Portfolio 2和Portfolio 4满足。直接排除Portfolio 1和Portfolio 3
第二个就是PV asset要等于PV liability,题干条件没给,我们默认4个组合都满足这个条件,也就是在这个条件上,4个组合是无差异的。
第三条件就是资产的Convexity数据要尽可能地小,这样做的目的就是减少收益率曲线非平行移动时,资产不能匹配负债的风险(Structural risk),也就是说降低资产的Convexity数据,就能降低其在收益率曲线非平行移动时不Match负债的风险。
选项只有Portfolio 1,2,3,相比Portfolio 2是最佳的,但是如果在4个里面选,最佳的是Portfolio 4。
粉红豹 · 2020年03月09日
找不到原来的出处,但是想请教老师,那个关于convexity=(Mac.D平方+Mac.D+dispersion)/(1+cash flow yield)平方的公式,对于Mac.D和cash flow yield我能理解,但是dispersion是什么,题目会给吗?是类似标准差一样的东西吗?如何计算?
发亮_品职助教 · 2020年03月10日
“那个关于convexity=(Mac.D平方+Mac.D+dispersion)/(1+cash flow yield)平方的公式,对于Mac.D和cash flow yield我能理解,但是dispersion是什么,题目会给吗?是类似标准差一样的东西吗?”
Macaulay duration就是现金流发生时间的平均数;而Dispersion就是现金流距离平均数Macaulay duration的方差。
所以Macaulay duration和Dispersion是同一组现金流的2个指标(Mean and variance)。
粉红豹 · 2020年03月11日
NO.PZ201812020100000406 问题如下 Baseon Exhibit 1, whiof the portfolios will best immunizeSR’s single liability? Portfolio 1 Portfolio 2 Portfolio 3 Bis correct. In the case of a single liability, immunization is achievebymatching the bonportfolio’s Macaulration with the horizon te. C hasa single liability of $500 million e in nine years. Portfolio 2 haMacaulration of 8.9, whiis closer to 9 ththof either Portfolio 1or 3. Therefore, Portfolio 2 will best immunize the portfolio against theliability. 老师,这题我想明确下,single liability immunizatio需要满足3个条件①MV(asset)≥MV(liability)②Macaulration(asset)=liability ration③min. asset convexity其中,第②点Macaulration(asset)=liability ration的意思是说 asset macaulration和liability ration接近?还是说 asset的macaulration一定要大于liability ration?
NO.PZ201812020100000406 问题如下 Baseon Exhibit 1, whiof the portfolios will best immunizeSR’s single liability? Portfolio 1 Portfolio 2 Portfolio 3 Bis correct. In the case of a single liability, immunization is achievebymatching the bonportfolio’s Macaulration with the horizon te. C hasa single liability of $500 million e in nine years. Portfolio 2 haMacaulration of 8.9, whiis closer to 9 ththof either Portfolio 1or 3. Therefore, Portfolio 2 will best immunize the portfolio against theliability. average time to maturity 就是组合里资产的Mac.r加权平均得到的对吗?然后 Mac.r 就是将组合里的各项资产视为整体用cash flow yiel个方法得到的每笔现金流现值求得的权重吗?假设组合3的Macr和组合2一样,那是不是选3,因为convexity相对小?
NO.PZ201812020100000406 问题如下 Baseon Exhibit 1, whiof the portfolios will best immunizeSR’s single liability? Portfolio 1 Portfolio 2 Portfolio 3 Bis correct. In the case of a single liability, immunization is achievebymatching the bonportfolio’s Macaulration with the horizon te. C hasa single liability of $500 million e in nine years. Portfolio 2 haMacaulration of 8.9, whiis closer to 9 ththof either Portfolio 1or 3. Therefore, Portfolio 2 will best immunize the portfolio against theliability. 这道题说C负债的PV是500million,并没有已知portfolio 1-4的PV信息,所以,免疫的第一个条件用不上。第二个条件是minvestment horizion,C的investment horizon为9年,所以,要选择portfolio m9年最近的,B是最接近9的。对于第一个条件,PV of asset≥PV of liability。为了节省成本,可以让PV of asset=PV of liability,但为了保证成功,最好让PV of asset>PV of liability。这个部分我理解了 1.single liability 不是需要min convexity 吗?那样应该选C啊?2.是需要先满足asset大于ration of liability的条件吗?才考虑convexity
NO.PZ201812020100000406 问题如下 Baseon Exhibit 1, whiof the portfolios will best immunizeSR’s single liability? Portfolio 1 Portfolio 2 Portfolio 3 Bis correct. In the case of a single liability, immunization is achievebymatching the bonportfolio’s Macaulration with the horizon te. C hasa single liability of $500 million e in nine years. Portfolio 2 haMacaulration of 8.9, whiis closer to 9 ththof either Portfolio 1or 3. Therefore, Portfolio 2 will best immunize the portfolio against theliability. 题目里问的不是SR的负债吗?怎么解析里又变成C的了?C ha single $500 million liability e in nine years
NO.PZ201812020100000406 问题如下 Baseon Exhibit 1, whiof the portfolios will best immunizeSR’s single liability? Portfolio 1 Portfolio 2 Portfolio 3 Bis correct. In the case of a single liability, immunization is achievebymatching the bonportfolio’s Macaulration with the horizon te. C hasa single liability of $500 million e in nine years. Portfolio 2 haMacaulration of 8.9, whiis closer to 9 ththof either Portfolio 1or 3. Therefore, Portfolio 2 will best immunize the portfolio against theliability. RT