1. 请问怎么判断这个4.161是否是significant的呢?是查表吗?
2. 我查了一个F distribution table k=2, n-k-1=37, critical value=3.25 这个值我查的对不对呢?
3. 考试时没有F distribution table怎么办呢?
4. significance F 是类似于p-value吗?
NO.PZ201709270100000306 问题如下 6. Baseon Exhibit 1, Varn’s best answer to Quinni’s question about the F-statistic is: both inpennt variables are significant the 0.05 level. neither inpennt variable is significant the 0.05 level. least one inpennt variable is significant the 0.05 level. C is correct. Exhibit 1 incates ththe F-statistic of 4.161 is significant the 0.05 level. A significant F-statistic means least one of the inpennt variables is significant. 如题
NO.PZ201709270100000306 问题如下 6. Baseon Exhibit 1, Varn’s best answer to Quinni’s question about the F-statistic is: both inpennt variables are significant the 0.05 level. neither inpennt variable is significant the 0.05 level. least one inpennt variable is significant the 0.05 level. C is correct. Exhibit 1 incates ththe F-statistic of 4.161 is significant the 0.05 level. A significant F-statistic means least one of the inpennt variables is significant. 这里F值显著更准确的应该是all coefficients are joint significant the 0.05 level吗?
NO.PZ201709270100000306 问题如下 6. Baseon Exhibit 1, Varn’s best answer to Quinni’s question about the F-statistic is: both inpennt variables are significant the 0.05 level. neither inpennt variable is significant the 0.05 level. least one inpennt variable is significant the 0.05 level. C is correct. Exhibit 1 incates ththe F-statistic of 4.161 is significant the 0.05 level. A significant F-statistic means least one of the inpennt variables is significant. F-test的H0是所有b都等于0,现在Pvalue非常小所以证明拒绝原假设,所以说b不等于0,那为什么不选A呢?
NO.PZ201709270100000306 问题如下 6. Baseon Exhibit 1, Varn’s best answer to Quinni’s question about the F-statistic is: both inpennt variables are significant the 0.05 level. neither inpennt variable is significant the 0.05 level. least one inpennt variable is significant the 0.05 level. C is correct. Exhibit 1 incates ththe F-statistic of 4.161 is significant the 0.05 level. A significant F-statistic means least one of the inpennt variables is significant. criticvalue等于几?
NO.PZ201709270100000306 6. Baseon Exhibit 1, Varn’s best answer to Quinni’s question about the F-statistic is: both inpennt variables are significant the 0.05 level. neither inpennt variable is significant the 0.05 level. least one inpennt variable is significant the 0.05 level. C is correct. Exhibit 1 incates ththe F-statistic of 4.161 is significant the 0.05 level. A significant F-statistic means least one of the inpennt variables is significant. 老师您好,有点记不清了,有两个问题 1)这里的 0.05 level指的到底是单尾5%(置信区间90%),还是双尾5%(单尾2.5%,置信区间95%)? 2)如果是指单尾5%那可以直接用0.05和F-significance比较,如果是双尾5%是不是就要用0.025和F-significance比较? 谢谢