C. 后面不是说要看细节可以提供详细信息么
NO.PZ201604030300004505问题如下5. Are Khai’s newsletter comments regarng returns consistent with CFA Institute Stanr?A.Yes.B.No, because Khai useinappropriate benchmark.C.No, because Khai not sclose whether the performanresults are before or after fees.C is correct.Khai violates the Stanrrelating to PerformanPresentation because he es not sclose whether the performanresults are before or after fees. StanrIII( requires thmembers make reasonable efforts to ensure thinvestment performaninformation is \"fair, accurate, ancomplete.\" Accorng to the guinproviin the Stanr of PractiHanook, members shoulinclu sclosures thfully explain the performanresults (for example, whether the performanis gross of fees, net of fees, or after tax).如题如题如题如题……
Performanresults都要介绍是否扣fee吗? 另外怎么看罗素2000这个inx是否合适呢?
fun小盘股的,inx 2000应该各个类型都有,benchmark是不合适的吧?