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幸福的小摩卡 · 2019年03月26日









讲义中,cost of carry 不是特指net of the costs and benefits吗?我还特意注意到这个,以为no carrying costs,说明二者So-PV Benefit + PV cost 相等

1 个答案

菲菲_品职助教 · 2019年03月26日

同学你好,cost of carry并不等于carrying costs哦。

carrying costs就是指成本的意思。

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NO.PZ2016031201000024问题如下Stocks BWQ anZER are eacurrently price$100 per share. Over the next year, stoBWQ is expecteto generate significant benefits wherestoZER is not expecteto generate any benefits. There are no carrying costs associatewith holng either stoover the next year. Comparewith ZER, the one-yeforwarpriof BWQ is most likely:A.lower.B.the same.C.higher. A is correct.The forwarpriof eastois founcompounng the spot prithe risk-free rate for the perioanthen subtracting the future value of any benefits anaing the future value of any costs. In the absenof any benefits or costs, the one-yeforwarprices of BWQ anZER shoulequal. After subtracting the benefits relateto BWQ, the one-yeforwarpriof BWQ is lower ththe one-yeforwarpriof ZER. 中文解析由上述公式可知远期价格是通过将现货价格与该时期的无风险利率复利,然后减去任何收益的未来价值,再加上任何成本的未来价值得到的。在没有任何收益或成本的情况下,BWQ和ZER的一年期远期价格应该是相等的。减去BWQ的好处后,BWQ的远期一年价格低于ZER的远期一年价格。 明年有分红拿的股票反倒期货定价更低,那么大家岂不是都去long这家股票期货了?无论是有分红拿的这件事,还是期货价格便宜这件事,都比另一家股票有魅力,虽然我知道题目只是问了哪家期货定价高,可是比较完之后对两家股票的经济意义是什么呢?投资者会采取什么行动呢?

2022-05-04 14:19 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2016031201000024 the same. higher. A is correct. The forwarpriof eastois founcompounng the spot prithe risk-free rate for the perioanthen subtracting the future value of any benefits anaing the future value of any costs. In the absenof any benefits or costs, the one-yeforwarprices of BWQ anZER shoulequal. After subtracting the benefits relateto BWQ, the one-yeforwarpriof BWQ is lower ththe one-yeforwarpriof ZER. 中文解析 由上述公式可知 远期价格是通过将现货价格与该时期的无风险利率复利,然后减去任何收益的未来价值,再加上任何成本的未来价值得到的。 在没有任何收益或成本的情况下,BWQ和ZER的一年期远期价格应该是相等的。 减去BWQ的好处后,BWQ的远期一年价格低于ZER的远期一年价格。 问的是price但是要用value回答,有点分不清了,考题也会这么出吗,怎么分辨出题意图呢

2022-02-02 11:13 1 · 回答

the same. higher. A is correct. The forwarpriof eastois founcompounng the spot prithe risk-free rate for the perioanthen subtracting the future value of any benefits anaing the future value of any costs. In the absenof any benefits or costs, the one-yeforwarprices of BWQ anZER shoulequal. After subtracting the benefits relateto BWQ, the one-yeforwarpriof BWQ is lower ththe one-yeforwarpriof ZER. 请问老师这个公式讲义里哪里有介绍到?F0=S0+carrying cost-carrying benefit 

2020-10-22 23:04 1 · 回答


2019-11-27 10:42 1 · 回答

老师您好 请问这是哪个知识点呢?可以具体讲一下解题步骤吗?

2019-03-26 11:17 1 · 回答