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自然音 · 2019年03月18日

Equity 课件56页


教材中的原话是“..., the difference between passive factor investing and conventional active management is that with the former, active management takes place up front rather than continuously." (Exhibit 6下面那段话)

因此应该是passive factor investing 中的 active management takes place up front rather than continuously。

我的理解是passive factor investing一开始选好timing and degree of factor exposure之后就跟着指数走就行了。


3 个答案

自然音 · 2019年03月18日

补充一下 如下这段是教材引用的那篇论文的原话

Smart beta is often characterized as passive investing because it uses rules-based selection and weighting, with rebalancing at predetermined intervals, and does not attempt to make explicit forecasts of returns and risks for individual securities. Yet the decision not to hold the capitalization-weighted market portfolio is an active decision in itself. Smart beta strategies require additional active decisions to identify the specific factor(s) to target, and to define the factor(s), the selection universe, the weighting method, and the rebalancing rules. These decisions are made at the outset of the investment process, rather than throughout the process.

韩韩_品职助教 · 2019年03月18日

它主要就是在解释smart beta是怎么做的, 简单来说就是在被动指数投资基础上,又加上点筛选指标,添上点主动投资的逻辑。 其中主动部分是一次性设定好的,但是被动的部分还是需要不断adjustment。

韩韩_品职助教 · 2019年03月18日

同学你好,刚好是相反的,这句话如果把顺序调整一下是这样子的,compared with passive factor investing, conventional active management takes place up front rather than continuously.

就是老师讲的,Active investment都是提前做好决策的,但是passive是要随着benchmark的变化来随时track/rebalance的。

论文中说的smart beta, 本质还是一种passive 投资,只是其中有了一些active成分,这些active成分,比如决定要投资哪些factor,weighting怎么设置之类的,这些是可以在既定benchmark基础上主动得做出决策做出一些调整,但是一旦调整好了,之后的投资都是passive tracking, 就需要频繁的随着benchmark调整 。所以只要理解了active部分是一次性决定好的,而passive部分是要频繁调整的就可以。

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