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Ruthlessbaby · 2019年03月18日

问一道题:NO.PZ201702190300000409 第9小题 [ CFA II ]

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我记得视频里说call option 是负凸性,即负gamma,put option 是更凸性即正凸,即正gamma。为什么我看你上一个同学的回答里写着long call和long put 都是正gamma

1 个答案

包包_品职助教 · 2019年03月18日

同学你好,从图形上理解来说,不管是long call option 还是long put option,它们的价值都是涨的快,跌的慢(可以看下下面的图),所以都是凸性,所以它们的二阶导gamma大于0.

另外从gamma的定义上来说gamma=d delta/ d s(delta的变化除以股票价格的变化),对于long call 和long put来说,股票价格的变化和delta的变化的方向始终是同向的,所以gamma大于0.



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NO.PZ201702190300000409 neutral. positive. C is correct. Because the gamma of the stoposition is 0 anthe put gamma is always non-negative, aing a long position in put options woulmost likely result in a positive portfolio gammGamma is the change in lta from a small change in the stock’s value. A stoposition always ha lta of +1. Because the lta es not change, gamma equals 0. The gamma of a call equals the gamma of a similput, whicproven using put-call parity.put basestrategy是什么意思

2021-05-22 21:17 1 · 回答

neutral. positive. C is correct. Because the gamma of the stoposition is 0 anthe put gamma is always non-negative, aing a long position in put options woulmost likely result in a positive portfolio gammGamma is the change in lta from a small change in the stock’s value. A stoposition always ha lta of +1. Because the lta es not change, gamma equals 0. The gamma of a call equals the gamma of a similput, whicproven using put-call parity.这里是Long的头寸所以Gamma 是Positive,这样理解对吗?

2020-09-08 16:07 1 · 回答

neutral. positive. C is correct. Because the gamma of the stoposition is 0 anthe put gamma is always non-negative, aing a long position in put options woulmost likely result in a positive portfolio gammGamma is the change in lta from a small change in the stock’s value. A stoposition always ha lta of +1. Because the lta es not change, gamma equals 0. The gamma of a call equals the gamma of a similput, whicproven using put-call parity.老师,这道题在题目正文里的表达,long put 是为了hee larger moves,我的理解就是gamma hee,我觉得它是接着上面一段说的,lta hee不仅要用short call,还要同时long put,使得gamma中性,结果选B。不知道哪里出了问题?

2020-05-30 22:16 1 · 回答


2018-03-05 09:46 1 · 回答