开发者:上海品职教育科技有限公司 隐私政策详情


自然音 · 2019年03月16日



第2题:题目中说的每一个office都是一个distinct business entity, 根据GIPS准则那么Firm A (US)单独就应该定义成一个firm,是这么理解吗?答案好像没有这么说。

第6题:答案是不是少了一块,没有判定external cash flow是否满足large的条件?我想问一下判定是否是large是拿cash flow (+40000) 和期初的价值(208000)相比还是和现金流发生当天的价值(217000)相比,来判定是否大于5%?教材中有没有对此进行说明?


第22题:minimum number我写的是one,这么答可以吗?

第30题:答案中说“The Standards do not require firms to disclose the fee schedule in effect for prior periods or segregated components of bundled fees." 这句话是和哪条准则相关,在教材中哪里有提到?

第31题:该题目如果不满足准则中提到的三个条件,是不是就must not link?

第42题:为什么a description of the use and extent of leverage or derivatives is not required in this case?


4 个答案

韩韩_品职助教 · 2019年03月17日

第六题,是跟起初的fair value 来比较。

第42题,他说了use of futures, 也说了future并没有增加leverage,说了用了,并且明确了使用的程度(没有增加leverage)

第30题,这个题目主要是考bundled fee, 因为再notes里面说,从2004年进来了一个大客户,开始使用了 bundled fee,所以考点在这里。

韩韩_品职助教 · 2019年03月17日


第42题,•4.A.13  FIRMS MUST disclose the presence, use, and extent of leverage, derivatives, and short positions, if material, including a description of the frequency of use and characteristics of the instruments sufficient to identify risks. 这个题目中在note处说到,futures are not used to add leverage to the portfolio, 所以是已经说明了衍生品并没有使用leverage, 所以C不用再披露。

第2题,这个题只是问一下Firm应该怎么描述,对于US company他也是一个Firm。会判断是否是firm就可以。

韩韩_品职助教 · 2019年03月17日

第30题,在讲义以下几个地方,都有关于bundled fee的讲解,主要就是记住,对于bundled fee要披露1)types of fee included, 2)% of bundled fee assets.

ØA bundled fee is a fee that combines multiple fees into one total or “bundled” fee. Bundled fees can include any combination of investment management fees, trading expenses, custody fees, and/or administrative fees. Two examples of bundle fees are all-in fees and wrap fees.

•4.A.24 If a COMPOSITE contains PORTFOLIOS with BUNDLED FEES, FIRMS MUST disclose the types of fees that are included in the BUNDLED FEE.

•5.A.7 If a composite includes portfolios with bundled fees, the firm must present the percentage of composite assets represented by portfolios with bundled fees as of each annual period end.

•2.A.5 If the actual trading expenses cannot be identified and segregated from a bundled fee:

•a. For  gross-of-fees returns, returns must be reduced by the entire bundled fee or the portion of the bundled fee that includes the trading expenses. Firms must not use estimated trading expenses.

•b. For net-of-fees returns, returns must be reduced by the entire bundled fee or the portion of the bundled fee that includes the trading expenses and the investment management fee. Firms must not use estimated trading expenses.

韩韩_品职助教 · 2019年03月17日

同学你好,我一个个题目回答哈,首先第六题,这里判断large cash flow的话,是跟fair value这里来比较的,题目之所以没有写出判断,因为一看cash flow占比肯定是大于5%的。


第22题,第一问minimum number你写至少一也可以,但是也要说明没有明确规定多少个,但是要披露出来数量,除非《=5个。

  • 4

  • 0

  • 396
