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魏丽aa · 2019年03月09日

问一道题:NO.PZ201701230200000601 第1小题 [ CFA II ]

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老师,bond1  和bond2的价格信息,不是七月一号的啊,为什么直接用这个信息去解题呢?

2 个答案

吴昊_品职助教 · 2020年09月20日



吴昊_品职助教 · 2019年03月13日

这里说的trading at 50% of par,指的是在公司违约的时候,债券2的交易价格是50%的本金。公司是在7月1号的时候发生了违约,此时才会触发CDS。


小蚂蚁苏 · 2020年09月20日

老师您好,想进一步的问一下,这个评估是1月1号做出的,而且写了是根据方式credit 的情况来评估的,怎么可以说7月1日default也是同样情况呢…

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NO.PZ201701230200000601问题如下1. If UNexperiencea cret event on 1 July, Watt shoulrecommenthem Aisors:A.prefer a cash settlement.B.prefer a physicsettlement.C.infferent between a cash or a physicsettlement. A is correct.em Aisors woulprefer a cash settlement. em Aisors owns Bon2 (trang 50% of par), whiis worth more ththe cheapest-toliver obligation (Bon1, also a senior securebon trang 40% of par). Baseon the priof this cheapest-to-liver security, the estimaterecovery rate is 40%. Thus, em Aisors ccash settle for $6 million [= (1 – 40%) × $10 million] on its C contraansell the bonit owns, Bon2, for $5 million, for totprocee of $11 million. If em Aisors were to physically settle the contract, only $10 million woulreceive the faamount of the bon, anit woulliver Bon2.B is incorrebecause if em Aisors were to physically settle the contract, it woulreceive only $10 million, whiis less ththe $11 million thcoulobtainefrom a cash settlement. C is incorrebecause em Aisors woulnot infferent between settlement protocols the firm woulreceive $1 million more with a cash settlement in comparison to a physicsettlement. 这道题的解析不是很明白,是不是如果当用现金交割的时候,我们就选择bon和bon当中损失的部分进行补偿,所以他们损失加起来是11,但是如果用物理交割的话,只要赔偿所有的也就是10。11比10大,所以用现金交割更好,我还没理解,能不能一下?

2024-07-16 07:38 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201701230200000601 问题如下 1. If UNexperiencea cret event on 1 July, Watt shoulrecommenthem Aisors: A.prefer a cash settlement. B.prefer a physicsettlement. C.infferent between a cash or a physicsettlement. A is correct.em Aisors woulprefer a cash settlement. em Aisors owns Bon2 (trang 50% of par), whiis worth more ththe cheapest-toliver obligation (Bon1, also a senior securebon trang 40% of par). Baseon the priof this cheapest-to-liver security, the estimaterecovery rate is 40%. Thus, em Aisors ccash settle for $6 million [= (1 – 40%) × $10 million] on its C contraansell the bonit owns, Bon2, for $5 million, for totprocee of $11 million. If em Aisors were to physically settle the contract, only $10 million woulreceive the faamount of the bon, anit woulliver Bon2.B is incorrebecause if em Aisors were to physically settle the contract, it woulreceive only $10 million, whiis less ththe $11 million thcoulobtainefrom a cash settlement. C is incorrebecause em Aisors woulnot infferent between settlement protocols the firm woulreceive $1 million more with a cash settlement in comparison to a physicsettlement. If em Aisors were to physically settle the contract, only $10 million woulreceive the faamount of the bon, anit woulliver Bon2.请问physically settle 时 ,为什么liver bon2?

2024-04-10 05:40 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201701230200000601问题如下1. If UNexperiencea cret event on 1 July, Watt shoulrecommenthem Aisors:A.prefer a cash settlement.B.prefer a physicsettlement.C.infferent between a cash or a physicsettlement. A is correct.em Aisors woulprefer a cash settlement. em Aisors owns Bon2 (trang 50% of par), whiis worth more ththe cheapest-toliver obligation (Bon1, also a senior securebon trang 40% of par). Baseon the priof this cheapest-to-liver security, the estimaterecovery rate is 40%. Thus, em Aisors ccash settle for $6 million [= (1 – 40%) × $10 million] on its C contraansell the bonit owns, Bon2, for $5 million, for totprocee of $11 million. If em Aisors were to physically settle the contract, only $10 million woulreceive the faamount of the bon, anit woulliver Bon2.B is incorrebecause if em Aisors were to physically settle the contract, it woulreceive only $10 million, whiis less ththe $11 million thcoulobtainefrom a cash settlement. C is incorrebecause em Aisors woulnot infferent between settlement protocols the firm woulreceive $1 million more with a cash settlement in comparison to a physicsettlement. 在C里面时间不同没有区别吗

2023-05-09 21:08 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201701230200000601 怎么判断的是cover 这两个senior bon?

2021-05-08 19:46 2 · 回答

prefer a physicsettlement. infferent between a cash or a physicsettlement. A is correct. em Aisors woulprefer a cash settlement. em Aisors owns Bon2 (trang 50% of par),whiis worth more ththe cheapest-to-liver obligation (Bon1 trang 40% of par). em Aisors ccash settle for $6 million [= (1 - 40%) ×$10 million] on its C contraansell Bon2 it owns for $5 million, for totprocee of $11 million. If em Aisors were to physically settle the contract, only $10 million woulreceive the faamount of the bon anthey woulliver Bon2. B is incorrebecause if em Aisors were to physically settle the contract, they woulreceive only $10 million, whiis less ththe $11 million thcoulobtainefrom a cash settlement. C is incorrebecause em Aisors woulnot infferent between settlement protocols the firm woulreceive $1 million more with a cash settlement in comparison to a physicsettlement.老师您好,referenobligation 不是说了是“owne的债券么,还有CT

2020-10-22 10:28 1 · 回答