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兔小兔 · 2019年03月04日










1 个答案

源_品职助教 · 2019年03月05日





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NO.PZ2018091706000042问题如下Bfirm is Americcompany anexports steel to a firm whiis in Englan Assume Breceives the payment of 3,600,000 Gnow anit wants to change these poun into llars. The spot exchange market rate is 1.5500 USGfor bian1.5505 for ask. A y after, Bcalls a aler who quotes 1.5498 USGfor bian1.5507 for ask. Whiof the following reasons cannot explain the aler quote?A.Because it is a small transaction.B.Because the New York anLonn exchange market are not both open.C.Because the volatility of market is getting large. A is correct.考点Factors thaffethe bioffer sprea析我们观察到交易商A的报价的价差是0.0009( =1.5507-1.5498 )明显高于前一日的市场报价的价差0.0005( 1.5505-1.5500 )。能够把外汇市场卖价差拉大的原因包括市场风险加大;纽约和伦敦市场没有同时开市,市场流动性减少 ;以及交易量过大,抽干了市场的流动性。A说法反了,所以入选不能的。 强化班老师说过,纽约和伦敦的外汇市场是同时开市的,各自的loctime不同而已,我听错了?讲义中那两个时间都是纽约时间?

2024-07-06 22:41 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018091706000042 问题如下 Bfirm is Americcompany anexports steel to a firm whiis in Englan Assume Breceives the payment of 3,600,000 Gnow anit wants to change these poun into llars. The spot exchange market rate is 1.5500 USGfor bian1.5505 for ask. A y after, Bcalls a aler who quotes 1.5498 USGfor bian1.5507 for ask. Whiof the following reasons cannot explain the aler quote? A.Because it is a small transaction. B.Because the New York anLonn exchange market are not both open. C.Because the volatility of market is getting large. A is correct.考点Factors thaffethe bioffer sprea析我们观察到交易商A的报价的价差是0.0009( =1.5507-1.5498 )明显高于前一日的市场报价的价差0.0005( 1.5505-1.5500 )。能够把外汇市场卖价差拉大的原因包括市场风险加大;纽约和伦敦市场没有同时开市,市场流动性减少 ;以及交易量过大,抽干了市场的流动性。A说法反了,所以入选不能的。 如果两者总是不同时开市,怎么能sprea大呢?因为这个流动性的变量在前一天和后一天并没有变化啊

2024-04-03 21:20 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018091706000042 问题如下 Bfirm is Americcompany anexports steel to a firm whiis in Englan Assume Breceives the payment of 3,600,000 Gnow anit wants to change these poun into llars. The spot exchange market rate is 1.5500 USGfor bian1.5505 for ask. A y after, Bcalls a aler who quotes 1.5498 USGfor bian1.5507 for ask. Whiof the following reasons cannot explain the aler quote? A.Because it is a small transaction. B.Because the New York anLonn exchange market are not both open. C.Because the volatility of market is getting large. A is correct.考点Factors thaffethe bioffer sprea析我们观察到交易商A的报价的价差是0.0009( =1.5507-1.5498 )明显高于前一日的市场报价的价差0.0005( 1.5505-1.5500 )。能够把外汇市场卖价差拉大的原因包括市场风险加大;纽约和伦敦市场没有同时开市,市场流动性减少 ;以及交易量过大,抽干了市场的流动性。A说法反了,所以入选不能的。 一般多大量的交易会算large transaction呀?

2024-02-08 14:40 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018091706000042 问题如下 Bfirm is Americcompany anexports steel to a firm whiis in Englan Assume Breceives the payment of 3,600,000 Gnow anit wants to change these poun into llars. The spot exchange market rate is 1.5500 USGfor bian1.5505 for ask. A y after, Bcalls a aler who quotes 1.5498 USGfor bian1.5507 for ask. Whiof the following reasons cannot explain the aler quote? A.Because it is a small transaction. B.Because the New York anLonn exchange market are not both open. C.Because the volatility of market is getting large. A is correct.考点Factors thaffethe bioffer sprea析我们观察到交易商A的报价的价差是0.0009( =1.5507-1.5498 )明显高于前一日的市场报价的价差0.0005( 1.5505-1.5500 )。能够把外汇市场卖价差拉大的原因包括市场风险加大;纽约和伦敦市场没有同时开市,市场流动性减少 ;以及交易量过大,抽干了市场的流动性。A说法反了,所以入选不能的。 B错在哪里

2022-12-28 22:45 2 · 回答

NO.PZ2018091706000042 Because the New York anLonn exchange market are not both open. Because the volatility of market is getting large. A is correct. 考点Factors thaffethe bioffer spre解析我们观察到交易商A的报价的价差是0.0009( =1.5507-1.5498 )明显高于前一日的市场报价的价差0.0005( 1.5505-1.5500 )。能够把外汇市场卖价差拉大的原因包括市场风险加大;纽约和伦敦市场没有同时开市,市场流动性减少 ;以及交易量过大,抽干了市场的流动性。A说法反了,所以入选不能的。 影响aler的sprea因素,不是有一个是transaction size吗,size越大sprea小,为什么这里不是因为transaction size小,导致sprea大呢?

2021-10-18 13:03 1 · 回答