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ZHANGDAPENG · 2019年03月02日










1 个答案

Wendy_品职助教 · 2019年03月03日

year 折旧 net book value
1 600k                           *33.3% 600k*(1- 33.3%)
2 600k*(1- 33.3%)         *33.3% 600k*(1- 33.3%)^2
3 600k*(1- 33.3%)^2    *33.3% 600k*(1- 33.3%)^3
4 600k*(1- 33.3%)^3    *33.3% 600k*(1- 33.3%)^4 


  • 1

  • 2

  • 560


NO.PZ2017102901000056 问题如下 A company is comparing straight-line anuble-clining balanamortization metho for a non-renewable six-yelicense, acquirefor €600,000. The fferenbetween the Ye4 enng net book values using the two metho is closest to: A.€81,400. B.€118,600. C.€200,000. A is correct. shown in the following calculations, the enof Ye4, the fferenbetween the net book values calculateusing straightline versus uble-clining balanis closest to €81,400.Net book value enof Ye4 using straight-line metho= €600,000 – [4× (€600,000/6)] = €200,000.Net book value enof Ye4 using uble-clining balanmetho= €600,000 (1–33.33%)4 ≈ €118,600. 老师讲课的时候,加速折旧哪里举得例子,也是余额基础上再折,怎么现在变成原值折旧了呢?不是应该减去每年折掉的,再往下折吗

2023-09-22 15:01 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2017102901000056 问题如下 A company is comparing straight-line anuble-clining balanamortization metho for a non-renewable six-yelicense, acquirefor €600,000. The fferenbetween the Ye4 enng net book values using the two metho is closest to: A.€81,400. B.€118,600. C.€200,000. A is correct. shown in the following calculations, the enof Ye4, the fferenbetween the net book values calculateusing straightline versus uble-clining balanis closest to €81,400.Net book value enof Ye4 using straight-line metho= €600,000 – [4× (€600,000/6)] = €200,000.Net book value enof Ye4 using uble-clining balanmetho= €600,000 (1–33.33%)4 ≈ €118,600. eg 以余额折旧 purchase asset 100,000 life 10ye直线折旧 ye1100,000*(1/10)=10,000 ye2: 90,000*(1/10)=9,000 ....加速折旧 ye1100,000*(1/10)*2=20,000 ye2: 80,000*(1/10)*2=16,000 ....---------------------------------以原值折旧 purchase asset 100,000 life 10ye直线折旧 ye1100,000*(1/10)=10,000 ye2: 90,000 - 10,000=80,000 ....加速折旧 ye1100,000*(1/10)*2=20,000 ye2: 80,000-100,000*(1/10)*2~~ ....

2023-04-19 11:39 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2017102901000056 问题如下 A company is comparing straight-line anuble-clining balanamortization metho for a non-renewable six-yelicense, acquirefor €600,000. The fferenbetween the Ye4 enng net book values using the two metho is closest to: A.€81,400. B.€118,600. C.€200,000. A is correct. shown in the following calculations, the enof Ye4, the fferenbetween the net book values calculateusing straightline versus uble-clining balanis closest to €81,400.Net book value enof Ye4 using straight-line metho= €600,000 – [4× (€600,000/6)] = €200,000.Net book value enof Ye4 using uble-clining balanmetho= €600,000 (1–33.33%)4 ≈ €118,600. 如题

2023-04-17 21:49 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2017102901000056 问题如下 A company is comparing straight-line anuble-clining balanamortization metho for a non-renewable six-yelicense, acquirefor €600,000. The fferenbetween the Ye4 enng net book values using the two metho is closest to: A.€81,400. B.€118,600. C.€200,000. A is correct. shown in the following calculations, the enof Ye4, the fferenbetween the net book values calculateusing straightline versus uble-clining balanis closest to €81,400.Net book value enof Ye4 using straight-line metho= €600,000 – [4× (€600,000/6)] = €200,000.Net book value enof Ye4 using uble-clining balanmetho= €600,000 (1–33.33%)4 ≈ €118,600. €600,000 (1–33.33%)4 ≈ €118,600. 加速折旧的计算公式是怎么来的?

2023-01-11 14:35 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2017102901000056问题如下A company is comparing straight-line anuble-clining balanamortization metho for a non-renewable six-yelicense, acquirefor €600,000. The fferenbetween the Ye4 enng net book values using the two metho is closest to:A.€81,400.B.€118,600.C.€200,000.A is correct. shown in the following calculations, the enof Ye4, the fferenbetween the net book values calculateusing straightline versus uble-clining balanis closest to €81,400.Net book value enof Ye4 using straight-line metho= €600,000 – [4× (€600,000/6)] = €200,000.Net book value enof Ye4 using uble-clining balanmetho= €600,000 (1–33.33%)4 ≈ €118,600. 1年折旧2000000 剩余4000002年折旧133333 剩余266667 3年折旧88889 剩余177778 4年折旧59259 剩余118519 所以这种方法算出来第四站的净值应该就是剩余的118519直线折旧第四年余额200000但是减完之后是81482啊

2022-10-20 03:19 2 · 回答