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floradong3 · 2019年02月12日

问一道题:NO.PZ201812020100000202 第2小题

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1 个答案

发亮_品职助教 · 2019年02月15日


所以这个Bond portfolio一共有三个目标:






Strategy 1:债券与股票的相关系数是-0.15

Strategy 2:债券与股票的相关系数是-0.10

首先Strategy 1和Strategy 2里面的债券,都可以用来帮助降低基金中债券与股票的相关性,因为两个策略里面债券与股票的Correlation都是负数,是小于现在基金中正相关系数0.14的;

第二就是Strategy 1的相关系数更小,是-0.15,而Strategy 2中债券与股票的相关系数相对大一点是-0.10,这就意味着用Strategy 1来降低债券与股票之间的相关系数效果是要好于Strategy 2的。

所以C选项正好说反了。题干是问Strategy 2在哪方面是优于Strategy 1,而C选项是说降低债券和股票之间的相关系数,显然刚好说反了。

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NO.PZ201812020100000202问题如下 Strategy 2 is most likely preferreto Strategy 1 for meeting the objective of:A.protecting inflation.B.funng future liabilities.C.minimizing the correlation of the funs mestic bonportfolio anequity portfolio. A is correct.Floating-coupon bon provi inflation protection for the interest income because the referenrate shoulaust for inflation. The purchase of fixecoupon bon outlinein Strategy 1 provis no protection against inflation for either interest or principal. Strategy 1 woulinstesuperior to Strategy 2 in funng future liabilities (better prectability to the amount of cash flows) anrecing the correlation between the funs mestic bonportfolio anequity portfolio (better versification). 应该选 strategy 1不是浮动coupon怎么proteinflation呢

2024-06-16 16:06 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201812020100000202 问题如下 Strategy 2 is most likely preferreto Strategy 1 for meeting the objective of: A.protecting inflation. B.funng future liabilities. C.minimizing the correlation of the funs mestic bonportfolio anequity portfolio. A is correct.Floating-coupon bon provi inflation protection for the interest income because the referenrate shoulaust for inflation. The purchase of fixecoupon bon outlinein Strategy 1 provis no protection against inflation for either interest or principal. Strategy 1 woulinstesuperior to Strategy 2 in funng future liabilities (better prectability to the amount of cash flows) anrecing the correlation between the funs mestic bonportfolio anequity portfolio (better versification). 看到有问必答有个同学提的关于策略1的问题,正好想确认下Strategy 1 woulinstesuperior to Strategy 2 in funng future liabilities (better prectability to the amount of cash flows),这句话是否可以理解为购买久期2年的公司债相对于1个月的国债来说,未来的现金流收入更有确定性(久期更长的公司债coupon收益是更加确定的~,而1个月后国债就到期了,所以我们还需要继续做其他策略,来满足funng future liabilitieis)?如果是的话,这里的前提假设应该是持有到期的策略?

2023-01-06 16:16 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201812020100000202 问题如下 Strategy 2 is most likely preferreto Strategy 1 for meeting the objective of: A.protecting inflation. B.funng future liabilities. C.minimizing the correlation of the funs mestic bonportfolio anequity portfolio. A is correct.Floating-coupon bon provi inflation protection for the interest income because the referenrate shoulaust for inflation. The purchase of fixecoupon bon outlinein Strategy 1 provis no protection against inflation for either interest or principal. Strategy 1 woulinstesuperior to Strategy 2 in funng future liabilities (better prectability to the amount of cash flows) anrecing the correlation between the funs mestic bonportfolio anequity portfolio (better versification). 为什么Strategy 1能够更好满足目标1未来的负债

2022-05-06 20:31 2 · 回答

NO.PZ201812020100000202 funng future liabilities. minimizing the correlation of the funs mestic bonportfolio anequity portfolio. A is correct. Floating-coupon bon provi inflation protection for the interest income because the referenrate shoulaust for inflation. The purchase of fixecoupon bon outlinein Strategy 1 provis no protection against inflation for either interest or principal. Strategy 1 woulinstesuperior to Strategy 2 in funng future liabilities (better prectability to the amount of cash flows) anrecing the correlation between the funs mestic bonportfolio anequity portfolio (better versification).correlation大小我记得是看绝对值的呀?所以我认为是strategy2的correlation更小。因为0.1小于0.15

2022-03-07 17:23 3 · 回答

NO.PZ201812020100000202 请问B为什么不对,是因为期限长短的原因吗?

2021-05-15 15:05 2 · 回答