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christydo · 2019年01月23日

问一道题:NO.PZ2015121810000027 [ CFA II ]







1 个答案

Shimin_CPA税法主讲、CFA教研 · 2019年01月25日


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NO.PZ2015121810000027 问题如下 The prices of one-perio refault-free government bon are likely to most sensitive to changes in: A.investors’ inflation expectations. B.the expectevolatility of economic growth. C.the covarianbetween investors’ inter-temporrates of substitution anthe expectefuture prices of the bon. B is correct.Only changes in fault-free reinterest rates will affethe priof real, fault-free bon. The average level of fault-free reinterest rates is positively relateto the volatility of economic growth in the economy; thus, changes in the expectevolatility of economic growth woullikely leto changes in refault-free reinterest rates, whiin turn woulaffethe prices of real, fault-free government bon. 考点scount Rate on Refault-free Bon解析排除法A ,rebon 不会受到通货膨胀的影响,nominbon 才会B ,volatility of economic growth 影响分母 l,即 refault-free interest rate,所以 B 正确C ,one-perio的债券价格不受 covarian的影响,因为 one-periofault free bon的 covariance=0。只有多期债券才会受covarian影响 我有点不太明白,这个是定义吗,为什么说real就是考虑了通货膨胀因素呢?

2023-09-17 18:21 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2015121810000027 问题如下 The prices of one-perio refault-free government bon are likely to most sensitive to changes in: A.investors’ inflation expectations. B.the expectevolatility of economic growth. C.the covarianbetween investors’ inter-temporrates of substitution anthe expectefuture prices of the bon. B is correct.Only changes in fault-free reinterest rates will affethe priof real, fault-free bon. The average level of fault-free reinterest rates is positively relateto the volatility of economic growth in the economy; thus, changes in the expectevolatility of economic growth woullikely leto changes in refault-free reinterest rates, whiin turn woulaffethe prices of real, fault-free government bon. 考点scount Rate on Refault-free Bon解析排除法rebon不会受到通货膨胀的影响,nominbon才会。B,volatility of economic growth影响分母l,即refault-free interest rate,所以B正确C,one-perio债券价格不受covariance的影响,因为one-periofault free boncovariance=0。只有多期债券才会受covariance影响。 这里可不可以直接总结为单期情况下,价格就是替代率,替代率只会受到经济好坏的影响,所以选未来经济的波动率

2022-06-27 20:10 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2015121810000027 其中inter-temporrate 与maginutility关系还是不太明白

2022-01-15 16:16 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2015121810000027 老师,请问如何准确理解Refault-free债券价格?公式是pri= risk neutrPV + covariance. 请问如果Covariance是风险的折现,那这个公式不就变成风险资产了的定价了?“无风险 + 风险溢价” 另外,老师讲的refault interest rate不是仅仅补偿人的不耐情绪吗?请问当经济volatile的时候,到底是经济波动本身的风险导致折现率变高,还是人的情绪变化导致折现率变高?这里到底有没有风险的存在?谢谢

2021-04-20 20:32 1 · 回答

为什么growth volatility越大,l越大呢?是讲义中哪句话? 我理解的讲义中只是说未来growth预期越大,l越大,但是growth越大和growth volatitlity越大是两码事。。

2020-10-09 10:50 1 · 回答