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cici3425 · 2019年01月04日

问一道题:NO.PZ2015121801000019 [ CFA I ]








1 个答案

Shimin_CPA税法主讲、CFA教研 · 2019年01月04日

A. risk governance将风险管理与整个公司的目标达成一致。这句话可以当做结论来记。

B.risk governance定义了定性的评估方法,并且衡量了一个组织中的潜在风险来源。错在定性,应该是既有定性又有定量的方法。

C.risk governance将风险管理的责任授权给了这个组织的所有层面。错,risk governance是top-down的,是senior management高管才有的决策权。

cici3425 · 2019年01月10日


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NO.PZ2015121801000019问题如下Risk governance:A.aligns risk management activities with the goals of the overall enterprise.B.fines the qualitative assessment anevaluation of potentisources of risk in organization.C.legates responsibility for risk management to all levels of the organization’s hierarchy.is correct.Risk governanis the top-wn process thfines risk tolerance, provis risk oversight anguinto align risk with enterprise goals.AC感觉都差不多怎么区分

2024-03-01 15:42 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2015121801000019 问题如下 Risk governance: A.aligns risk management activities with the goals of the overall enterprise. B.fines the qualitative assessment anevaluation of potentisources of risk in organization. C.legates responsibility for risk management to all levels of the organization’s hierarchy. is correct.Risk governanis the top-wn process thfines risk tolerance, provis risk oversight anguinto align risk with enterprise goals. 感觉每个都对啊

2023-08-22 04:06 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2015121801000019 问题如下 Risk governance: A.aligns risk management activities with the goals of the overall enterprise. B.fines the qualitative assessment anevaluation of potentisources of risk in organization. C.legates responsibility for risk management to all levels of the organization’s hierarchy. is correct.Risk governanis the top-wn process thfines risk tolerance, provis risk oversight anguinto align risk with enterprise goals. 之前有道题老师的解析是risk bueting是选择什么样的风险去承担,具体量化到承担多少风险是在risk governance里面探讨的。但这道题的A就是在说Align风险,但并没有说要量化啊?

2023-07-16 14:03 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2015121801000019 问题如下 Risk governance: A.aligns risk management activities with the goals of the overall enterprise. B.fines the qualitative assessment anevaluation of potentisources of risk in organization. C.legates responsibility for risk management to all levels of the organization’s hierarchy. is correct.Risk governanis the top-wn process thfines risk tolerance, provis risk oversight anguinto align risk with enterprise goals. 如题,烦请一下

2023-02-04 20:29 1 · 回答

看到之前有老师答疑说risk governance是top-wn的,是senior management高管才有的决策权。但governance里的确认风险容忍度不是董事会才有的权利呢?董事会不等于senior management吧??

2020-10-01 19:33 2 · 回答