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Danielle靓靓 · 2018年12月05日









提问:请问第一个bought iron ore from Australia是属于current 还是capital account?因为capital account的定义里写了rights to natural resources,所以有点晕,谢谢老师

2 个答案

粉红豹 · 2018年12月05日


粉红豹 · 2018年12月05日


1、一般的商品和服务的买卖属于current account;

2、只有一个例外,如果是“自然资源”的买卖属于capital account。

此处注意:自然资源的买卖才属于capital account,如果是一般原材料的买卖仍然属于current account。举例来说,比如制造lock&lock塑料杯子的材料中有一种是聚丙烯,一种化工品,这种原材料的买卖就属于current account。

对应到这道题目,第一个bought iron ore from Australia,是从澳大利亚采购铁矿石,铁矿石是一种自然资源,因此属于capital account。

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NO.PZ2016010802000192 问题如下 ring the most recent quarter, a steel company in South Korea hthe following transactions• Bought iron ore from Australia for AU0 million.• Solfinishesteel to the UniteStates for US5 million.• BorroweAU0 million from a bank in Syey.• Receivea US0 million vinfrom US subsiary.• PaiKRW550 million to a Koreshipping company.Whiof the following woulreflectein South Korea’s current account balanfor the quarter? A.The loan. Paito the shipping. C.The vin is correct.The current account inclus income receiveon foreign investments. The Korecompany effectively \"exporte" the use of its capitring the quarter to its US subsiary, anthe vinrepresents payment for those services.考点Balanof Payments解析A属于FinanciaccountB属于国内贸易C属于current account 假如说是从美国那边进口到韩国一系列产品,然后是由韩国公司负责运输的,那这个产生的费用到底算不算到current account里面?

2023-06-15 09:14 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2016010802000192问题如下 ring the most recent quarter, a steel company in South Korea hthe following transactions• Bought iron ore from Australia for AU0 million.• Solfinishesteel to the UniteStates for US5 million.• BorroweAU0 million from a bank in Syey.• Receivea US0 million vinfrom US subsiary.• PaiKRW550 million to a Koreshipping company.Whiof the following woulreflectein South Korea’s current account balanfor the quarter?A.The loan.Paito the shipping.C.The vinis correct.The current account inclus income receiveon foreign investments. The Korecompany effectively \"exporte" the use of its capitring the quarter to its US subsiary, anthe vinrepresents payment for those services.考点Balanof Payments解析A属于FinanciaccountB属于国内贸易C属于current account 如题,不同回答里有出入,可以麻烦重新列一下都属于哪个账户吗?谢谢!

2022-09-27 18:00 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2016010802000192 问题如下 ring the most recent quarter, a steel company in South Korea hthe following transactions• Bought iron ore from Australia for AU0 million.• Solfinishesteel to the UniteStates for US5 million.• BorroweAU0 million from a bank in Syey.• Receivea US0 million vinfrom US subsiary.• PaiKRW550 million to a Koreshipping company.Whiof the following woulreflectein South Korea’s current account balanfor the quarter? A.The loan. Paito the shipping. C.The vin is correct.The current account inclus income receiveon foreign investments. The Korecompany effectively \"exporte" the use of its capitring the quarter to its US subsiary, anthe vinrepresents payment for those services.考点Balanof Payments解析A属于FinanciaccountB属于国内贸易C属于current account • Solfinishesteel to the UniteStates for US5 million.• PaiKRW550 million to a Koreshipping company.請問這兩個,都屬於國内貿易?

2022-07-17 18:29 1 · 回答

Solfinishesteel to the UniteStates for US5 million. 请问,这一项属于current account还是capitaccount呢?

2020-11-25 01:08 1 · 回答

老师,• Bought iron ore from Australia for AU0 million. • Solfinishesteel to the UniteStates for US5 million. 这俩不是current account是不是因为是自然资源,所有都为capitaccount?谢谢!

2020-04-19 18:24 1 · 回答