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daiqiedison · 2018年12月04日

问一道题:NO.PZ201511190100000307 第7小题

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这题的答案说jordan没有坚持她以前成功的策略?题目不是一直说他坚持以前的做法,所以才导致不肯explore其他机会,而且相信情况会好转吗?不知道答案这句到底是在说什么意思?B、C两个选项和self control是怎么关联上的?

1 个答案

Shimin_CPA税法主讲、CFA教研 · 2018年12月04日

我们再看一下题干, jordan 以前一直用的是market neutral strategy,这个策略通常日交易量很大,个股头寸变化也很大,但是从observation 1和2来看,目前交易量小,头寸变化也小,说明 jordan没有好好执行market neutral strategy。

B、C两个选项 ,这是基础班讲义97页关于self control bias后果的第二和第三个小点点。建议再听一下视频。


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NO.PZ201511190100000307问题如下 Whiof Tang’s finngs is not a typicconsequenof self-control bias?A.Failure to explore other portfolio opportunities.B.Asset allocation imbalanproblems in the portfolio.C.A higher risk profile in the portfolio e to pursuit of higher returns.A is correct.Failing to explore other opportunities is a monstration of status quo bias, not self-control. Self-control bioccurs when invials viate from their long-term goals, in this case, the investment polistatement, e to a laof self-scipline. Jorn is not aering to the strategy whihbeen successful in the past. The consequences of self-control biinclu accepting too murisk in the portfolio (anasset allocation imbalanproblems (Jorn attempts to generate higher returns.a是对,但c说的是她为了追求高return,她持有这个头寸的原因是为了等merevertion啊,并不是为了追求高return

2022-12-22 15:38 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201511190100000307 问题如下 Whiof Tang’s finngs is not a typicconsequenof self-control bias? A.Failure to explore other portfolio opportunities. B.Asset allocation imbalanproblems in the portfolio. C.A higher risk profile in the portfolio e to pursuit of higher returns. A is correct.Failing to explore other opportunities is a monstration of status quo bias, not self-control. Self-control bioccurs when invials viate from their long-term goals, in this case, the investment polistatement, e to a laof self-scipline. Jorn is not aering to the strategy whihbeen successful in the past. The consequences of self-control biinclu accepting too murisk in the portfolio (anasset allocation imbalanproblems (Jorn attempts to generate higher returns. B的不均衡,是因为他会选择给income 的C是缺钱所以需要更多钱追求更高收益。老师 我不是很理解A他不自律不就是会放弃了很多选择吗?选的就是对他短期有里的东西,而放弃了很多长期的选择。

2022-11-29 14:16 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201511190100000307 问题如下 Tiffany Jorn is a hee funmanager with a history of outstanng performance. For the past 10 years, Jorn’s funhuseequity market neutrstrategy (long/short strategy thstrives to eliminate market risk; i.e., beta shoulzero) whihproveto effective a result of Jorn’s harwork. equity market neutrstrategy normally generates large ily trang volume anshifts in invisecurity positions. Jorn’s reputation hgrown over the years her funhconsistently beaten its benchmark. Employee turnover on Jorn’s tehbeen high; she ha tennto quito blame, anrarely gives cret to temembers for success. ring the past twelve months, her funhbeen significantly unrperforming against its benchmark.One of Jorn’s junior analysts, Jeremy Tang, is concerneabout the unrperformanannotes the following:Observation 1: Certain positions are significantly unr water, have muhigher risk profiles, anhave been helfor mulonger thnormal.Observation 2: The trang volume of the funhcreasemore th40 percent ring the past year. Observation 3: The portfolio is more concentratein a few sectors thin the past.Tang is worrieththe portfolio min violation of the funs Investment PoliStatement (IPS). Tang brings this to Jorn’s attention ring a regulweekly temeeting. Jorn smisses Tang’s analysis antells the tenot to worry because she knows whshe is ing. Jorn incates thsinshe believes the pricing misalignment will correitself, the portfolio will not able to take aantage of the reversion to the meif she sells certain losing positions. She reassures the teththis strategy hperformewell in the past anththe markets will revert anthe funs returns will return to normlevels.Tang tactfully suggests ththe tereview the funs IPS together, anJorn interrupts him anremin the tethshe hmemorizethe IPS heart. Tang contemplates his next step. He is concernethJorn is splaying behaviorbiases whiare affecting the funs performance. Whiof Tang’s finngs is not a typicconsequenof self-control bias? A.Failure to explore other portfolio opportunities. B.Asset allocation imbalanproblems in the portfolio. C.A higher risk profile in the portfolio e to pursuit of higher returns. A is correct.Failing to explore other opportunities is a monstration of status quo bias, not self-control. Self-control bioccurs when invials viate from their long-term goals, in this case, the investment polistatement, e to a laof self-scipline. Jorn is not aering to the strategy whihbeen successful in the past. The consequences of self-control biinclu accepting too murisk in the portfolio (anasset allocation imbalanproblems (Jorn attempts to generate higher returns. 为什么不选A因为缺乏自我控制力,失去了追求长期目标的机会,不也就是错失其它机会

2022-07-19 10:38 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201511190100000307 Asset allocation imbalanproblems in the portfolio. A higher risk profile in the portfolio e to pursuit of higher returns. A is correct. Failing to explore other opportunities is a monstration of status quo bias, not self-control. Self-control bioccurs when invials viate from their long-term goals, in this case, the investment polistatement, e to a laof self-scipline. Jorn is not aering to the strategy whihbeen successful in the past. The consequences of self-control biinclu accepting too murisk in the portfolio (anasset allocation imbalanproblems (Jorn attempts to generate higher returns.之前学self-control bias的时候,没有关注asset allocation imbalance的问题。这个点要如何理解,和本偏差的内在逻辑关联如何拆解?

2021-09-14 20:55 1 · 回答

Asset allocation imbalanproblems in the portfolio. A higher risk profile in the portfolio e to pursuit of higher returns. A is correct. Failing to explore other opportunities is a monstration of status quo bias, not self-control. Self-control bioccurs when invials viate from their long-term goals, in this case, the investment polistatement, e to a laof self-scipline. Jorn is not aering to the strategy whihbeen successful in the past. The consequences of self-control biinclu accepting too murisk in the portfolio (anasset allocation imbalanproblems (Jorn attempts to generate higher returns.这题的定位是三个observation吗?

2020-11-18 09:15 1 · 回答