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401543257 · 2018年12月04日

问一道题:NO.PZ201511190100000306 第6小题 [ CFA III ]

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2 个答案

Shimin_CPA税法主讲、CFA教研 · 2018年12月04日

representativeness bias是用以前的套路分析新的信息,这题既没有说她根据经验形成了模板,也没有说分析新的信息,所以本质上还是因为Jordan太自信认定这个策略以后也是有效的。

大鱼 · 2019年12月05日

She reassures the team that this strategy has performed well in the past and that the markets will revert and the fund’s returns will return to normal levels. 这难道不就是根据过去表现总结的策略?

Shimin_CPA税法主讲、CFA教研 · 2019年12月06日

@ 大鱼 ,选策略不是套模板,这个人的基金采用 equity market neutral strategy,这是基金的风格。以前的 strategy has performed well ,这是一个结果。 套模板的意思,比如说,我研究发现成长股几乎不分红、或者分红少(经验),如果有一个股票的分红很少(新信息)就把它归为成长股(套用模板)。

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NO.PZ201511190100000306 问题如下 Whione of the following biases Jorn not monstrate? A.Self-attribution. B.Representativeness. C.Illusion of knowlee. B is correct.Nowhere in the scenario it mention thJorn classifiecertain information into a personalizecategory. Representativeness biis a cognitive biin whipeople tento classify new information baseon past experiences anclassifications. Jorn is not relating the certainty about the future or her cision to hollosing positions bato something she hne or experiencein the past. 这个bias感觉没讲过,也很少考到。这道题哪里体现了呢

2022-05-19 22:48 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201511190100000306问题如下Whione of the following biases Jorn not monstrate? A.Self-attribution. B.Representativeness. C.Illusion of knowlee. B is correct.Nowhere in the scenario it mention thJorn classifiecertain information into a personalizecategory. Representativeness biis a cognitive biin whipeople tento classify new information baseon past experiences anclassifications. Jorn is not relating the certainty about the future or her cision to hollosing positions bato something she hne or experiencein the past.A在哪里体现了?

2022-04-19 22:05 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201511190100000306 一方面,通过representativeness bias与conservatism bias的辨析来学习,可以理解较透彻,Base-rate negleansample-size neglect也能理解地很好。对于此题而言,如果representativeness bias是对新信息overreact,那么文中主人公对价格反转的坚信,就算表现了什么,也应该是conservatism bias。 另一方面,教材对representativeness bias的定义又看得很难受,people tento classify new information baseon past experiences anclassifications,一下子搞得文中主人公的行为似乎也符合这种定义。 所以,真的是对representiveness bias很晕

2022-01-11 15:09 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201511190100000306 Representativeness. Illusion of knowlee. B is correct. Nowhere in the scenario it mention thJorn classifiecertain information into a personalizecategory. Representativeness biis a cognitive biin whipeople tento classify new information baseon past experiences anclassifications. Jorn is not relating the certainty about the future or her cision to hollosing positions bato something she hne or experiencein the past.请问老师,他说策略之前表现的好为什么没有represenetatives呢?

2021-12-21 08:45 2 · 回答

NO.PZ201511190100000306 倒数第二段She reassures the teththis strategy hperformewell in the past anththe markets will revert anthe funs returns will return to normlevels.这句话就表明了jorn根据过去的经验判断未来啊

2021-07-10 21:57 1 · 回答