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Narcissus · 2018年11月29日

问一道题:NO.PZ2018062003000157 [ CFA I ]

我没看懂题目,为什么现在的inflation rate比target小了,还要再降低?







1 个答案

答疑助手丽丽 · 2018年11月29日

这个国家需要保持汇率稳定。现在题目中给出本国通胀率是低于目标国家的。 通胀率过低会引起货币升值 。 为了保持两国汇率的稳定,此时短期内需采取扩张的政策使货币贬值,即降低利率

啊哈哈哈_ · 2019年08月31日

为什么央行sell 本国货币,本国货币就会贬值?

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NO.PZ2018062003000157问题如下Suppose a centrbank cis to maintain a target exchange rate.Whwill happen when its inflation rate falls below the level of the inflation rate in the target country?A.The centrbank will sell the mestic currency.B.The interest rates will increase.C.The mestic money supply will crease.A is correct.In this scenario,the centrbank woulneeto sell the mestic currento support the target,tenng to increase the mestic money supply anrethe interest rate.考点货币政策解析本国通胀率低于目标国的通胀率会导致本国的汇率上升,为了保证本国货币不升值,必须实施一个扩张(升通胀)的货币政策。A卖出本国货币,类似于向市场提供货币供给,是一个扩张的货币政策,入选。B利率上升是一个紧缩的货币政策,不入选。C减少货币供给也是紧缩的货币政策,不入选。通胀率低会导致汇率高这个请问是在哪里讲过?我认为本题想表达的意思是通胀率较低的国家那么利率自然更低,想要保持原有的汇率标准那么利率也要升高才对,减少ms会引起利率的升高,那么选c才对

2023-10-13 11:15 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018062003000157 问题如下 Suppose a centrbank cis to maintain a target exchange rate.Whwill happen when its inflation rate falls below the level of the inflation rate in the target country? A.The centrbank will sell the mestic currency. B.The interest rates will increase. C.The mestic money supply will crease. A is correct.In this scenario,the centrbank woulneeto sell the mestic currento support the target,tenng to increase the mestic money supply anrethe interest rate.考点货币政策解析本国通胀率低于目标国的通胀率会导致本国的汇率上升,为了保证本国货币不升值,必须实施一个扩张(升通胀)的货币政策。A卖出本国货币,类似于向市场提供货币供给,是一个扩张的货币政策,入选。B利率上升是一个紧缩的货币政策,不入选。C减少货币供给也是紧缩的货币政策,不入选。 央行A卖国债不就是收缩货币供应吗

2023-06-13 11:38 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018062003000157 问题如下 Suppose a centrbank cis to maintain a target exchange rate.Whwill happen when its inflation rate falls below the level of the inflation rate in the target country? A.The centrbank will sell the mestic currency. B.The interest rates will increase. C.The mestic money supply will crease. A is correct.In this scenario,the centrbank woulneeto sell the mestic currento support the target,tenng to increase the mestic money supply anrethe interest rate.考点货币政策解析本国通胀率低于目标国的通胀率会导致本国的汇率上升,为了保证本国货币不升值,必须实施一个扩张(升通胀)的货币政策。A卖出本国货币,类似于向市场提供货币供给,是一个扩张的货币政策,入选。B利率上升是一个紧缩的货币政策,不入选。C减少货币供给也是紧缩的货币政策,不入选。 说reexchange rate effect的时候,价格和汇率同比变化。为什么这里就是价格下降,汇率上升?

2023-04-16 00:45 2 · 回答

NO.PZ2018062003000157问题如下Suppose a centrbank cis to maintain a target exchange rate.Whwill happen when its inflation rate falls below the level of the inflation rate in the target country?A.The centrbank will sell the mestic currency.B.The interest rates will increase.C.The mestic money supply will crease.A is correct.In this scenario,the centrbank woulneeto sell the mestic currento support the target,tenng to increase the mestic money supply anrethe interest rate.考点货币政策解析本国通胀率低于目标国的通胀率会导致本国的汇率上升,为了保证本国货币不升值,必须实施一个扩张(升通胀)的货币政策。A卖出本国货币,类似于向市场提供货币供给,是一个扩张的货币政策,入选。B利率上升是一个紧缩的货币政策,不入选。C减少货币供给也是紧缩的货币政策,不入选。老师好,看到其他问题的回答中,对于本题的是“首先题干要求我们必须保持一个target exchange rate,那么在inflation低于目标国家的时候,我们的实际汇率会上升。”我有些困惑实际汇率上升的传导机制,辛苦解答,谢谢!

2023-04-14 19:12 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018062003000157 问题如下 Suppose a centrbank cis to maintain a target exchange rate.Whwill happen when its inflation rate falls below the level of the inflation rate in the target country? A.The centrbank will sell the mestic currency. B.The interest rates will increase. C.The mestic money supply will crease. A is correct.In this scenario,the centrbank woulneeto sell the mestic currento support the target,tenng to increase the mestic money supply anrethe interest rate.考点货币政策解析本国通胀率低于目标国的通胀率会导致本国的汇率上升,为了保证本国货币不升值,必须实施一个扩张(升通胀)的货币政策。A卖出本国货币,类似于向市场提供货币供给,是一个扩张的货币政策,入选。B利率上升是一个紧缩的货币政策,不入选。C减少货币供给也是紧缩的货币政策,不入选。 目前是本国利率较低,所以导致汇率下降(本币升值),如果想要保持固定的汇率,就要提升本国利率,所以需要紧缩的货币政策,请问哪里错了吗

2023-01-19 15:09 1 · 回答