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熊猫666 · 2018年11月20日

问一道题:NO.PZ2018062007000051 [ CFA I ]







请问 选项a b 的差别with forward contract这个有什么作用呀

1 个答案

菲菲_品职助教 · 2018年11月20日


如果是 protective put with stock,那么C+K=P+S,fiduciary call=protective put,这个应该是没有问题的。

但本题题干问的是,最好的描述put-call-forward parity的是哪个选项。

对于put-call-forward parity,我们知道long asset+short forward=long risk free(购买有风险的资产同时short forward可以转移风险,获得无风险收益)

那么long asset=long risk free+long forward,我们将long risk free看作是long bond(面值为FP),将
long asset=long bond+long forward

代入 protective put,即P+S=long put+long bond( 面值为FP)+long forward,等式右边也称为protective put with forward

我们可以发现无论期末股票价格如何变化, fiduciary call与protective put with forward的结果是相同的。



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NO.PZ2018062007000051问题如下 Whiof the following statements best scribes put-call-forwarparity?A.A ficiary call is equivalent to a protective put with a forwarcontract.B.A ficiary call is equivalent to a protective put.C.A ficiary call is equivalent to the combination of short put plus long risk-free bonanlong a forwarcontract. A is correct. Accorng to put-call-forwarpartiy, a ficiary call is equivalent to synthetic protective put.中文解析C+K=P+S,ficiary call=protective putlong asset+short forwarlong risk free bon(购买有风险的资产同时short forwar以转移风险,获得无风险收益)那么long asset=long risk free bon+long forwar risk free bon面值为FP,将long asset=long bonlong forwar入 protective put,即P+S=long put+long bon 面值为FP)+long forwar等式右边也称为protective put with forwar们可以发现无论期末股票价格如何变化, ficiary call 与 synthetic protective put 的结果是相同的。既然期末的outcome是相同的,所以期初构建两个portfolio的成本也应该相同。ficiary call的成本=C0+K/(1+rf)^T,而synthetic protective put 的成本为P0+FP/(1+rf)^T( long forwar初不支付现金,所以没有成本)这样就能得到put call parity with forwar公式了,即C0+K/(1+rf)^T=P0+FP/(1+rf)^T 请问B怎么错了呢,没搞懂

2023-10-31 14:36 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018062007000051 问题如下 Whiof the following statements best scribes put-call-forwarparity? A.A ficiary call is equivalent to a protective put with a forwarcontract. B.A ficiary call is equivalent to a protective put. C.A ficiary call is equivalent to the combination of short put plus long risk-free bonanlong a forwarcontract. A is correct. Accorng to put-call-forwarpartiy, a ficiary call is equivalent to synthetic protective put.中文解析C+K=P+S,ficiary call=protective putlong asset+short forwarlong risk free bon(购买有风险的资产同时short forwar以转移风险,获得无风险收益)那么long asset=long risk free bon+long forwar risk free bon面值为FP,将long asset=long bonlong forwar入 protective put,即P+S=long put+long bon 面值为FP)+long forwar等式右边也称为protective put with forwar们可以发现无论期末股票价格如何变化, ficiary call 与 synthetic protective put 的结果是相同的。既然期末的outcome是相同的,所以期初构建两个portfolio的成本也应该相同。ficiary call的成本=C0+K/(1+rf)^T,而synthetic protective put 的成本为P0+FP/(1+rf)^T( long forwar初不支付现金,所以没有成本)这样就能得到put call parity with forwar公式了,即C0+K/(1+rf)^T=P0+FP/(1+rf)^T 左边是Ficiary call,右边是Protective put,正好相等。

2022-12-11 15:25 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018062007000051 问题如下 Whiof the following statements best scribes put-call-forwarparity? A.A ficiary call is equivalent to a protective put with a forwarcontract. B.A ficiary call is equivalent to a protective put. C.A ficiary call is equivalent to the combination of short put plus long risk-free bonanlong a forwarcontract. A is correct. Accorng to put-call-forwarpartiy, a ficiary call is equivalent to synthetic protective put.中文解析C+K=P+S,ficiary call=protective putlong asset+short forwarlong risk free bon(购买有风险的资产同时short forwar以转移风险,获得无风险收益)那么long asset=long risk free bon+long forwar risk free bon面值为FP,将long asset=long bonlong forwar入 protective put,即P+S=long put+long bon 面值为FP)+long forwar等式右边也称为protective put with forwar们可以发现无论期末股票价格如何变化, ficiary call 与 synthetic protective put 的结果是相同的。既然期末的outcome是相同的,所以期初构建两个portfolio的成本也应该相同。ficiary call的成本=C0+K/(1+rf)^T,而synthetic protective put 的成本为P0+FP/(1+rf)^T( long forwar初不支付现金,所以没有成本)这样就能得到put call parity with forwar公式了,即C0+K/(1+rf)^T=P0+FP/(1+rf)^T 就因为没有FORWAR

2022-12-11 14:47 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018062007000051 问题如下 Whiof the following statements best scribes put-call-forwarparity? A.A ficiary call is equivalent to a protective put with a forwarcontract. B.A ficiary call is equivalent to a protective put. C.A ficiary call is equivalent to the combination of short put plus long risk-free bonanlong a forwarcontract. A is correct. Accorng to put-call-forwarpartiy, a ficiary call is equivalent to a protective put with a forwarcontract.中文解析C+K=P+S,ficiary call=protective putlong asset+short forwarlong risk free bon(购买有风险的资产同时short forwar以转移风险,获得无风险收益)那么long asset=long risk free bon+long forwar risk free bon面值为FP,将long asset=long bonlong forwar入 protective put,即P+S=long put+long bon 面值为FP)+long forwar等式右边也称为protective put with forwar们可以发现无论期末股票价格如何变化, ficiary call与protective put with forwar结果是相同的。既然期末的outcome是相同的,所以期初构建两个portfolio的成本也应该相同。ficiary call的成本=C0+K/(1+rf)^T,而protective put with forwar成本为P0+FP/(1+rf)^T( long forwar初不支付现金,所以没有成本)这样就能得到put call parity with forwar公式了,即C0+K/(1+rf)^T=P0+FP/(1+rf)^T 看老师的讲解里面long asset+short forwarlong risk free这个公式,不知道可否详细讲解一下。short forwar点不是很理解。谢谢!

2022-07-01 21:26 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018062007000051 问题如下 Whiof the following statements best scribes put-call-forwarparity? A.A ficiary call is equivalent to a protective put with a forwarcontract. B.A ficiary call is equivalent to a protective put. C.A ficiary call is equivalent to the combination of short put plus long risk-free bonanlong a forwarcontract. A is correct. Accorng to put-call-forwarpartiy, a ficiary call is equivalent to a protective put with a forwarcontract.中文解析C+K=P+S,ficiary call=protective putlong asset+short forwarlong risk free bon(购买有风险的资产同时short forwar以转移风险,获得无风险收益)那么long asset=long risk free bon+long forwar risk free bon面值为FP,将long asset=long bonlong forwar入 protective put,即P+S=long put+long bon 面值为FP)+long forwar等式右边也称为protective put with forwar们可以发现无论期末股票价格如何变化, ficiary call与protective put with forwar结果是相同的。既然期末的outcome是相同的,所以期初构建两个portfolio的成本也应该相同。ficiary call的成本=C0+K/(1+rf)^T,而protective put with forwar成本为P0+FP/(1+rf)^T( long forwar初不支付现金,所以没有成本)这样就能得到put call parity with forwar公式了,即C0+K/(1+rf)^T=P0+FP/(1+rf)^T 代入 protective put,即P+S=long put+long bon 面值为FP)+long forwar等式右边也称为protective put with forwar请问protective put 难道不是long asset+long put吗?

2022-05-27 14:49 2 · 回答