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aileen20180623 · 2018年11月10日

问一道题:NO.PZ2017102901000052 [ CFA I ]







这题我看解释没明白 请问600000怎么来的 还有9850000是怎么来的 能否就解释的内容讲解一下
5 个答案

蓝莓囡囡骑士 · 2019年02月26日

20 万 是如何算的呢 只有30 万啊 

蓝莓囡囡骑士 · 2019年02月26日

20 万 是如何算的呢 只有30 万啊 

蓝莓囡囡骑士 · 2019年02月26日

20 万 是如何算的呢 只有30 万啊 

蓝莓囡囡骑士 · 2019年02月26日

20 万 是如何算的呢 只有30 万啊 

品职辅导员_小明 · 2018年11月11日


公司X是资本化,Z是费用化,因此Z比X多了200,000的费用,于是考虑到了税的影响,200,000*75%=150,000, 这个意思就是Z的NI比X要少这么多,我们就用X的NI750,000减去150,000就得到500,000


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NO.PZ2017102901000052 问题如下 Companies X anZ have the same beginning-of-the-yebook value of equity anthe same trate. The companies have intictransactions throughout the yeanreport all transactions similarly except for one. Both companies acquire a £300,000 printer with a three-yeuseful life ana salvage value of £0 on 1 January of the new year. Company X capitalizes the printer anpreciates it on a straight-line basis, anCompany Z expenses the printer. The following year-eninformation is gatherefor Company X.Ÿ Enng shareholrs’ equity: £10,000,000Ÿ Trate: 25%Ÿ vin: £0.00Ÿ Net income: £750,000Baseon the information given, Company Z’s return on equity using year-enequity will closest to: A.5.4%. B.6.1%. C.7.5%. B is correct.Company Z’s return on equity baseon year-enequity value will 6.1%. Company Z will have aition£200,000 of expenses comparewith Company X. Company Z expensethe printer for £300,000 rather thcapitalizing the printer anhaving a preciation expense of £100,000 like Company X. Company Z’s net income anshareholrs’ equity will £150,000 lower (= £200,000 × 0.75) ththof Company X.ROE=NI/equity=(750,000-150,000)/(10,000,000-150,000)=600,000/9,850,000=0.题目假设X公司和Z公司财务数据都是一样的,除了对一笔printer采购支出的处理之外。X公司是资本化,而Z公司是费用化,题目给了X公司的财务数据,让计算Z公司的ROE。我们根据题目给的数据可以计算出来X公司的ROE,在此基础上进行调整就可以得到Z公司的ROE。调整的时候就要考虑资本化和费用化导致的两个公司NI和Equity的不同。看NI的不同,我们就要看损益表X公司资本化,printer被当做资产处理,损益表中会有一笔100,000的折旧费用。Z公司费用化,printer的全部成本都算作expense,因此Z公司损益表中会有一笔300,000的expense。两个公司损益表中费用的差额为200,000,由于有税收的影响,最终NI的差异是200,000*(1-25%)=150,000,也就是Z公司的NI比X公司的NI少150,000。再比较equity的不同,因为其他条件都相同,两个公司equity受到的影响就只有retaineearning的影响,这个也是跟NI相关联,Z公司NI比X公司少150,000,那么Z公司的equity也会比X公司的equity少150,000。最后再调整X公司的ROE以得到Z公司的ROE(750,000-150,000)/(10,000,000-150,000)=600,000/9,850,000=0.061 根据公式不应该直接NI/E嘛

2023-09-27 16:13 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2017102901000052 问题如下 Companies X anZ have the same beginning-of-the-yebook value of equity anthe same trate. The companies have intictransactions throughout the yeanreport all transactions similarly except for one. Both companies acquire a £300,000 printer with a three-yeuseful life ana salvage value of £0 on 1 January of the new year. Company X capitalizes the printer anpreciates it on a straight-line basis, anCompany Z expenses the printer. The following year-eninformation is gatherefor Company X.Ÿ Enng shareholrs’ equity: £10,000,000Ÿ Trate: 25%Ÿ vin: £0.00Ÿ Net income: £750,000Baseon the information given, Company Z’s return on equity using year-enequity will closest to: A.5.4%. B.6.1%. C.7.5%. B is correct.Company Z’s return on equity baseon year-enequity value will 6.1%. Company Z will have aition£200,000 of expenses comparewith Company X. Company Z expensethe printer for £300,000 rather thcapitalizing the printer anhaving a preciation expense of £100,000 like Company X. Company Z’s net income anshareholrs’ equity will £150,000 lower (= £200,000 × 0.75) ththof Company X.ROE=NI/equity=(750,000-150,000)/(10,000,000-150,000)=600,000/9,850,000=0.题目假设X公司和Z公司财务数据都是一样的,除了对一笔printer采购支出的处理之外。X公司是资本化,而Z公司是费用化,题目给了X公司的财务数据,让计算Z公司的ROE。我们根据题目给的数据可以计算出来X公司的ROE,在此基础上进行调整就可以得到Z公司的ROE。调整的时候就要考虑资本化和费用化导致的两个公司NI和Equity的不同。看NI的不同,我们就要看损益表X公司资本化,printer被当做资产处理,损益表中会有一笔100,000的折旧费用。Z公司费用化,printer的全部成本都算作expense,因此Z公司损益表中会有一笔300,000的expense。两个公司损益表中费用的差额为200,000,由于有税收的影响,最终NI的差异是200,000*(1-25%)=150,000,也就是Z公司的NI比X公司的NI少150,000。再比较equity的不同,因为其他条件都相同,两个公司equity受到的影响就只有retaineearning的影响,这个也是跟NI相关联,Z公司NI比X公司少150,000,那么Z公司的equity也会比X公司的equity少150,000。最后再调整X公司的ROE以得到Z公司的ROE(750,000-150,000)/(10,000,000-150,000)=600,000/9,850,000=0.61 ROE的分母不应该是Average Equity吗?为何题目中只用了年末的equity计算?

2023-08-29 18:15 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2017102901000052 问题如下 Companies X anZ have the same beginning-of-the-yebook value of equity anthe same trate. The companies have intictransactions throughout the yeanreport all transactions similarly except for one. Both companies acquire a £300,000 printer with a three-yeuseful life ana salvage value of £0 on 1 January of the new year. Company X capitalizes the printer anpreciates it on a straight-line basis, anCompany Z expenses the printer. The following year-eninformation is gatherefor Company X.Ÿ Enng shareholrs’ equity: £10,000,000Ÿ Trate: 25%Ÿ vin: £0.00Ÿ Net income: £750,000Baseon the information given, Company Z’s return on equity using year-enequity will closest to: A.5.4%. B.6.1%. C.7.5%. B is correct.Company Z’s return on equity baseon year-enequity value will 6.1%. Company Z will have aition£200,000 of expenses comparewith Company X. Company Z expensethe printer for £300,000 rather thcapitalizing the printer anhaving a preciation expense of £100,000 like Company X. Company Z’s net income anshareholrs’ equity will £150,000 lower (= £200,000 × 0.75) ththof Company X.ROE=NI/equity=(750,000-150,000)/(10,000,000-150,000)=600,000/9,850,000=0.题目假设X公司和Z公司财务数据都是一样的,除了对一笔printer采购支出的处理之外。X公司是资本化,而Z公司是费用化,题目给了X公司的财务数据,让计算Z公司的ROE。我们根据题目给的数据可以计算出来X公司的ROE,在此基础上进行调整就可以得到Z公司的ROE。调整的时候就要考虑资本化和费用化导致的两个公司NI和Equity的不同。看NI的不同,我们就要看损益表X公司资本化,printer被当做资产处理,损益表中会有一笔100,000的折旧费用。Z公司费用化,printer的全部成本都算作expense,因此Z公司损益表中会有一笔300,000的expense。两个公司损益表中费用的差额为200,000,由于有税收的影响,最终NI的差异是200,000*(1-25%)=150,000,也就是Z公司的NI比X公司的NI少150,000。再比较equity的不同,因为其他条件都相同,两个公司equity受到的影响就只有retaineearning的影响,这个也是跟NI相关联,Z公司NI比X公司少150,000,那么Z公司的equity也会比X公司的equity少150,000。最后再调整X公司的ROE以得到Z公司的ROE(750,000-150,000)/(10,000,000-150,000)=600,000/9,850,000=0.61 文字的解题明白,但是计算中的数字是怎么一个个计算出来的呢?麻烦老师一步步解题一下,谢谢

2023-07-06 23:23 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2017102901000052 问题如下 Companies X anZ have the same beginning-of-the-yebook value of equity anthe same trate. The companies have intictransactions throughout the yeanreport all transactions similarly except for one. Both companies acquire a £300,000 printer with a three-yeuseful life ana salvage value of £0 on 1 January of the new year. Company X capitalizes the printer anpreciates it on a straight-line basis, anCompany Z expenses the printer. The following year-eninformation is gatherefor Company X.Ÿ Enng shareholrs’ equity: £10,000,000Ÿ Trate: 25%Ÿ vin: £0.00Ÿ Net income: £750,000Baseon the information given, Company Z’s return on equity using year-enequity will closest to: A.5.4%. B.6.1%. C.7.5%. B is correct.Company Z’s return on equity baseon year-enequity value will 6.1%. Company Z will have aition£200,000 of expenses comparewith Company X. Company Z expensethe printer for £300,000 rather thcapitalizing the printer anhaving a preciation expense of £100,000 like Company X. Company Z’s net income anshareholrs’ equity will £150,000 lower (= £200,000 × 0.75) ththof Company X.ROE=NI/equity=(750,000-150,000)/(10,000,000-150,000)=600,000/9,850,000=0.题目假设X公司和Z公司财务数据都是一样的,除了对一笔printer采购支出的处理之外。X公司是资本化,而Z公司是费用化,题目给了X公司的财务数据,让计算Z公司的ROE。我们根据题目给的数据可以计算出来X公司的ROE,在此基础上进行调整就可以得到Z公司的ROE。调整的时候就要考虑资本化和费用化导致的两个公司NI和Equity的不同。看NI的不同,我们就要看损益表X公司资本化,printer被当做资产处理,损益表中会有一笔100,000的折旧费用。Z公司费用化,printer的全部成本都算作expense,因此Z公司损益表中会有一笔300,000的expense。两个公司损益表中费用的差额为200,000,由于有税收的影响,最终NI的差异是200,000*(1-25%)=150,000,也就是Z公司的NI比X公司的NI少150,000。再比较equity的不同,因为其他条件都相同,两个公司equity受到的影响就只有retaineearning的影响,这个也是跟NI相关联,Z公司NI比X公司少150,000,那么Z公司的equity也会比X公司的equity少150,000。最后再调整X公司的ROE以得到Z公司的ROE(750,000-150,000)/(10,000,000-150,000)=600,000/9,850,000=0.61 如题

2023-01-16 20:45 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2017102901000052 问题如下 Companies X anZ have the same beginning-of-the-yebook value of equity anthe same trate. The companies have intictransactions throughout the yeanreport all transactions similarly except for one. Both companies acquire a £300,000 printer with a three-yeuseful life ana salvage value of £0 on 1 January of the new year. Company X capitalizes the printer anpreciates it on a straight-line basis, anCompany Z expenses the printer. The following year-eninformation is gatherefor Company X.Ÿ Enng shareholrs’ equity: £10,000,000Ÿ Trate: 25%Ÿ vin: £0.00Ÿ Net income: £750,000Baseon the information given, Company Z’s return on equity using year-enequity will closest to: A.5.4%. B.6.1%. C.7.5%. B is correct.Company Z’s return on equity baseon year-enequity value will 6.1%. Company Z will have aition£200,000 of expenses comparewith Company X. Company Z expensethe printer for £300,000 rather thcapitalizing the printer anhaving a preciation expense of £100,000 like Company X. Company Z’s net income anshareholrs’ equity will £150,000 lower (= £200,000 × 0.75) ththof Company X.ROE=NI/equity=(750,000-150,000)/(10,000,000-150,000)=600,000/9,850,000=0.题目假设X公司和Z公司财务数据都是一样的,除了对一笔printer采购支出的处理之外。X公司是资本化,而Z公司是费用化,题目给了X公司的财务数据,让计算Z公司的ROE。我们根据题目给的数据可以计算出来X公司的ROE,在此基础上进行调整就可以得到Z公司的ROE。调整的时候就要考虑资本化和费用化导致的两个公司NI和Equity的不同。看NI的不同,我们就要看损益表X公司资本化,printer被当做资产处理,损益表中会有一笔100,000的折旧费用。Z公司费用化,printer的全部成本都算作expense,因此Z公司损益表中会有一笔300,000的expense。两个公司损益表中费用的差额为200,000,由于有税收的影响,最终NI的差异是200,000*(1-25%)=150,000,也就是Z公司的NI比X公司的NI少150,000。再比较equity的不同,因为其他条件都相同,两个公司equity受到的影响就只有retaineearning的影响,这个也是跟NI相关联,Z公司NI比X公司少150,000,那么Z公司的equity也会比X公司的equity少150,000。最后再调整X公司的ROE以得到Z公司的ROE(750,000-150,000)/(10,000,000-150,000)=600,000/9,850,000=0.61 如题

2022-12-01 16:28 1 · 回答