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奔跑的西红柿cuhk · 2017年04月02日

问一道题:NO.PZ2016031201000051 [ CFA I ]








答案里的右边是三项(long put,long risk-free bond 和long forward contract)怎么能等于fiduciary call了? 

1 个答案

竹子 · 2017年04月02日

 fiduciary call即C+K

long put+long forward= long call (可以画一下图)

所以答案中的三项=long call+long risk free bond=c+k=fiduciary call

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NO.PZ2016031201000051 问题如下 Combining a protective put with a forwarcontragenerates equivalent outcomes expiration to those of A.ficiary call. B.long call combinewith a short asset. C.forwarcontracombinewith a risk-free bon A is correct.中文解析本题考察的是put-call-forwarparity,它的推导逻辑如下因为 long stock+short forwar可以合成一个无风险头寸,即Long risk-free bon注意这里的bon值为远期合约价格,即FP)将该等式变形可得 long stock=long forwarlong risk-free bon所以long put+long stock中的stock可以用上面的公式替代,可得systhetic proctive put = long put+long forwar+long risk-free bon我们发现无论期末股票价格如何变化,systhetic proctive put的payoff与ficiary call是一样的。具体过程如下图这里再强调一遍,systhetic proctive put中的bon值为FP,而ficiary call中的bon值为X。 protective put 是put + spotprotective put with a forwarcontra为什么就将spot转成了forwar+ rf而不是put + spot + forward

2023-02-02 21:29 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2016031201000051问题如下Combining a protective put with a forwarcontragenerates equivalent outcomes expiration to those of a: A.ficiary call. B.long call combinewith a short asset. C.forwarcontracombinewith a risk-free bon A is correct.Put−call forwarparity monstrates ththe outcome of a protective put with a forwarcontra(long put, long risk-free bon long forwarcontract) equals the outcome of a ficiary call (long call, long risk-free bon. The outcome of a protective put with a forwarcontrais also equto the outcome of a protective put with asset (long put, long asset). 中文解析本题考察的是put-call-forwarparity,它的推导逻辑如下因为 long stock+short forwar可以合成一个无风险头寸,即Long risk-free bon注意这里的bon值为远期合约价格,即FP)将该等式变形可得 long stock=long forwarlong risk-free bon所以proctive put with asset= long put+long stock中的stock可以用上面粗体的公式替代,可得protective put with forwar long put+long forwar+long risk-free bon我们发现无论期末股票价格如何变化,protective put with forwarpayoff与ficiary call是一样的。具体过程如下图这里再强调一遍,protective put with forwar的bon值为FP,而ficiary call中的bon值为X。 put call forwarparity不应该是C+K=P+FORWARBON,题干只说了forwarput,不应该还少了一个bon

2022-03-20 00:06 1 · 回答

long call combinewith a short asset. forwarcontracombinewith a risk-free bon A is correct. Put−call forwarparity monstrates ththe outcome of a protective put with a forwarcontra(long put, long risk-free bon long forwarcontract) equals the outcome of a ficiary call (long call, long risk-free bon. The outcome of a protective put with a forwarcontrais also equto the outcome of a protective put with asset (long put, long asset). p+s=c+k这道题目有其他干扰项,请

2020-08-16 18:30 1 · 回答

请老师给一下protective put 和 ficiary call,对这两个概念还是不懂

2018-11-13 19:50 1 · 回答

    1.protective put with a forwarcontract 应该怎么理解?protective put 不是stock加上 put 吗?   with a forwarcontract 那就再long 个  forwarcontract 应该是long put,long stock 和long forwarcontract怎么stock 变成  risk-free bon 2.本题的另一个回答提到long put+long forwar long call 这怎么理解?     

2018-05-07 21:51 1 · 回答