operating leverage中的sales risk中不是也包含price risk吗?这道题不对吧?而且有问必答中,有的解答说这道题相当于限定价格相同,有的解答说价格不同,到底是什么啊?
发亮_品职助教 · 2018年11月02日
Business Risk由两个方面构成,一个是Sales Risk,另一个是Operating Risk
1. Sales Risk; Sale Risk来源包括:价格、销量不确定性 Price / Quantity
2. Operating Risk;可以由Degree of Operating Leverage (DOL)衡量
题干说了有Indentical Unit Sales,一样的销量,但是没有说Price也相同,所以无法确定Sales Risk是否相同,也就无法确定Business Risk是否相同;直接排除A、B两项;
关于C选项,就是Degree Of Operating Leverage的定义:
NO.PZ2016021705000038问题如下 If two companies have inticunit sales volume anoperating risk, they are most likely to also have intical:A.sales risk.B.business risk.C.sensitivity of operating earnings to changes in the number of units proceansolis correct.The companies’ gree of operating leverage shoulthe same, consistent with Sales risk refers to the uncertainty of the number of units proceansolanthe priwhiunits are sol Business risk is the joint effeof sales risk anoperating risk.不理解为什么选C,麻烦再一下
NO.PZ2016021705000038 business risk. sensitivity of operating earnings to changes in the number of units proceansol is correct. The companies’ gree of operating leverage shoulthe same, consistent with Sales risk refers to the uncertainty of the number of units proceansolanthe priwhiunits are sol Business risk is the joint effeof sales risk anoperating risk.L的计算不是也跟P有关么
NO.PZ2016021705000038 老师这个题不是很理解
NO.PZ2016021705000038 不是很明白老师课上讲的 杠杆来源于固定成本。杠杆难道不是来源于借债么?用不属于自己的钱来赚钱,收益和损失都会放大。固定成本是不论接不接债一直都有的,这个杠杆是怎么说呢?又怎么理解 有固定成本的all equity的公司 的杠杆呢? L是EBIT变动1%,sales变动多少%,L为什么可以衡量杠杆呢?感觉只是简单的衡量两个指标变动的相关性,跟杠杆没有关系呀