PZ company is an education company headquartered in China. It complies with IFRS. In 2018, PZ held a 20% passive equity ownership interest in T-internet company. At the end of the 2018, PZ company decides to increase its ownership interest to 50% on 1 January 2019 through a cash purchase. There are no intercompany transactions. The financial statement data for PZ company and T-internet company in the following table:
At the end of the 2019, assuming control and recognition of goodwill, PZ company’s Debt to Equity ratio is highest under which of the following accounting method:
A.Equity method.
B.full goodwill method.
C.partial goodwill method.
C is correct.
解析:首先在题干中已经说了是control over, 所以肯定不是equity method,排除A选项。
我们再来看B和C怎么选,在control的条件下,用acquisition Method。不管是full goodwill还是partial goodwill,在购买法下,首先都是将子公司的资产和负债合并过来的,然后再单列goodwill,所以它们的负债是一样的,资产方由于goodwill不同所以有区别。
由于full goodwill和partial goodwill中计入的goodwill的金额不同,会导致资产的金额不同,所以就会导致MI不同,因此MI的大小是由goodwill的大小决定的。
如果并购产生了goodwill,那么full goodwill的金额肯定是大于partial goodwill,所以full goodwill下对应的MI就会比较大。
又因为MI计入在equity中,所以full goodwill的equity会比较大,分母大导致分数值变小,所以不选B,最后选C。
这道题如果要算full/ partial goodwill下面的对应的equity value,用题目提供的数据能求得出来吗?