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mino酱是个小破货 · 2025年03月22日


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Identify the conditions under which the adviser would find style analysis most useful.



The adviser would find style analysis most useful, whether it be returns-based (RBSA) or holdings-based (HBSA), when applied to strategies that hold publicly-traded securities where pricing is frequent. It can be applied to other strategies (hedge funds and private equity, for example), but the insights drawn from a style analysis of such strategies are more likely to be used for designing additional lines of inquiry in the course of due diligence rather than for confirmation of the investment process.

In addition, style analysis, whether returns-based or holdings-based, must be meaningful, accurate, consistent, and timely in order to be useful. Accordingly, style analysis would be most useful to Connell in understanding most of the asset classes in the funds he is considering, including the equities and bonds. However, it would be less meaningful for evaluating the venture capital assets since they are not traded and are thus illiquid.

The adviser would consider style anaylsis with whether it be return-based(RBSA) or holdings-based(HSBA). 

RBSA:RBSA is a top-down analysis、simple and not requiring a large number of data. But it's inaccurate with a static portfolio.

HSBA:HSBA is a bottom-up analysis、accruate and reflect current exposure.But it's easy to window-dressing and can't predict futures.

1 个答案

王暄_品职助教 · 2025年03月23日


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NO.PZ202110280100000703 问题如下 Intify the contions unr whithe aiser woulfinstyle analysismost useful. The aiser woulfinstyle analysis most useful, whether it bereturns-base(RBSor holngs-base(HBSA), when applieto strategies thatholpublicly-trasecurities where pricing is frequent. It capplietoother strategies (hee fun anprivate equity, for example), but theinsights awn from a style analysis of sustrategies are more likely to beusefor signing aitionlines of inquiry in the course of e ligencerather thfor confirmation of the investment process.In aition, style analysis, whether returns-baseor holngs-basemust meaningful, accurate, consistent, antimely in orr to useful.Accorngly, style analysis woulmost useful to Connell in unrstanngmost of the asset classes in the fun he is consiring, inclung theequities anbon. However, it woulless meaningful for evaluating theventure capitassets sinthey are not traanare thus illiqui style analysis classify two typesthe holng basestyle analysis is useful when the holng information is available,whiis most accurate.the return basestyle analysis is useful when the holng information is not available. it is baseon the portfolio return throuh a certain perioto recognize whifactor contribute to return.

2023-05-07 23:31 2 · 回答

NO.PZ202110280100000703 问题如下 Intify the contions unr whithe aiser woulfinstyle analysismost useful. The aiser woulfinstyle analysis most useful, whether it bereturns-base(RBSor holngs-base(HBSA), when applieto strategies thatholpublicly-trasecurities where pricing is frequent. It capplietoother strategies (hee fun anprivate equity, for example), but theinsights awn from a style analysis of sustrategies are more likely to beusefor signing aitionlines of inquiry in the course of e ligencerather thfor confirmation of the investment process.In aition, style analysis, whether returns-baseor holngs-basemust meaningful, accurate, consistent, antimely in orr to useful.Accorngly, style analysis woulmost useful to Connell in unrstanngmost of the asset classes in the fun he is consiring, inclung theequities anbon. However, it woulless meaningful for evaluating theventure capitassets sinthey are not traanare thus illiqui 如题

2023-02-18 09:58 1 · 回答

NO.PZ202110280100000703 问题如下 Intify the contions unr whithe aiser woulfinstyle analysismost useful. The aiser woulfinstyle analysis most useful, whether it bereturns-base(RBSor holngs-base(HBSA), when applieto strategies thatholpublicly-trasecurities where pricing is frequent. It capplietoother strategies (hee fun anprivate equity, for example), but theinsights awn from a style analysis of sustrategies are more likely to beusefor signing aitionlines of inquiry in the course of e ligencerather thfor confirmation of the investment process.In aition, style analysis, whether returns-baseor holngs-basemust meaningful, accurate, consistent, antimely in orr to useful.Accorngly, style analysis woulmost useful to Connell in unrstanngmost of the asset classes in the fun he is consiring, inclung theequities anbon. However, it woulless meaningful for evaluating theventure capitassets sinthey are not traanare thus illiqui It capplieto other strategies (hee fun anprivate equity, for example), but the insights awn from a style analysis of sustrategies are more likely to usefor signing aitionlines of inquiry in the course of e ligenrather thfor confirmation of the investment process.这段完全不知道在说什么

2022-06-06 22:39 1 · 回答