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mino酱是个小破货 · 2025年03月22日


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Identify the type of error Connell is at risk of committing and its associated cost for each alternative. Justify your selection.



Alternative 1

If Connell avoids the Eta fund because of its recent underperformance, with performance reverting to the mean, he is at risk of making a Type II error (by not retaining managers with skill). A Type II error is an error of omission or inaction, or in this case, the opportunity cost associated with not hiring Eta and seeing its performance improve.

Alternative 2

If Connell selects the Theta fund because of its recent superior performance, with performance reverting to the mean, he is at risk of making a Type I error. A Type I error occurs when hiring or retaining a manager who subsequently underperforms expectations. The cost of a Type I error is explicit and relatively straightforward to measure.

In deciding which fund to hire, the goal is to avoid making decisions based on short-term performance (trend following) and to identify evidence of behavioral biases in the evaluation of managers during the selection process.

Alternative I is type II error.Not hiring a manager who outperforms expectations will increase implicit cost.

Alternative II is type I error.Hiring a manager who underperforms expectations will increase explicit cost.

Type I error is more painful than type II error.

1 个答案

王暄_品职助教 · 2025年03月23日


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NO.PZ202110280100000702 问题如下 Intify the type of error Connell is risk of committing anitsassociatecost for eaalternative. Justifyyour selection. Alternative 1If Connell avoi the Eta funbecause of its recent unrperformance,with performanreverting to the mean, he is risk of making a Type II error(not retaining managers with skill). A Type II error is error of omissionor inaction, or in this case, the opportunity cost associatewith not hiringEta anseeing its performanimprove.Alternative 2If Connell selects the Theta funbecause of its recent superiorperformance, with performanreverting to the mean, he is risk of making aType I error. A Type I error occurs when hiring or retaining a manager whosubsequently unrperforms expectations. The cost of a Type I error is explicitanrelatively straightforwarto measure.In cing whifunto hire, the gois to avoimaking cisionsbaseon short-term performan(trenfollowing) anto intify evinofbehaviorbiases in the evaluation of managers ring the selection process. 感觉这个题目的思路很奇怪,可以仔细的一下考点吗?

2024-07-10 19:30 1 · 回答

NO.PZ202110280100000702 问题如下 Intify the type of error Connell is risk of committing anitsassociatecost for eaalternative. Justifyyour selection. Alternative 1If Connell avoi the Eta funbecause of its recent unrperformance,with performanreverting to the mean, he is risk of making a Type II error(not retaining managers with skill). A Type II error is error of omissionor inaction, or in this case, the opportunity cost associatewith not hiringEta anseeing its performanimprove.Alternative 2If Connell selects the Theta funbecause of its recent superiorperformance, with performanreverting to the mean, he is risk of making aType I error. A Type I error occurs when hiring or retaining a manager whosubsequently unrperforms expectations. The cost of a Type I error is explicitanrelatively straightforwarto measure.In cing whifunto hire, the gois to avoimaking cisionsbaseon short-term performan(trenfollowing) anto intify evinofbehaviorbiases in the evaluation of managers ring the selection process. 以下是我的答法,应该可以把?for alternative 1 the Eta funis mereverting better performance,but he avoi the Eta funit is type II error,whiis omission errorfor alternative 2 the Theta funis mereverting worse performance, but he invests the Theta funit is type I error,whiis commission error

2023-05-07 23:09 1 · 回答