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mino酱是个小破货 · 2025年03月22日




Boinic Corporation introduced an employee pension plan and set aside $20 million to fund the plan. Assessing five investment management firms, A through E, and expecting all to perform in line with their benchmarks, Boinic selected three firms (A, D, and E) to manage part of the pension plan assets. Exhibit 1 shows the managers’ performance compared to their benchmark in the one year after being selected.

On analyzing these results, Boinic determines that it has made both a Type I and Type II error.

Identify the firm associated with Boinic’s Type I and Type II error. Justify your selection for each error type, discussing the psychological effects of its Year 1 performance on Boinic.



Firm D is type I error.Type I error is the error of commission,hiring a manager who underperforms expectations.

Firm B is type II error.Type II error is the error of ommission, not hiring a manager who outperforms expectations.

1 个答案

王暄_品职助教 · 2025年03月23日


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NO.PZ2021102801000010 问题如下 Boinic Corporation introceemployeepension planset asi $20 million to funthe plan. Assessing fiveinvestment management firms, A through E, anexpecting all to perform in linewith their benchmarks, Boinic selectethree firms ( anE) to manage partof the pension plassets. Exhibit 1 shows the managers’ performancompareo their benchmark in the one yeafter being selecteOn analyzing these results, Boinictermines thit hma both a Type I anType II error.Intify the firm associatewith Boinic’s Type I anType IIerror. Justify your selection for eaerror type, scussing thepsychologiceffects of its Ye1 performanon Boini Boinic selectethree firms ( anE) 题目没太明白,不是在A E 三个FIRM里面找type1 2吗?

2024-01-02 23:42 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2021102801000010 问题如下 Boinic Corporation introceemployeepension planset asi $20 million to funthe plan. Assessing fiveinvestment management firms, A through E, anexpecting all to perform in linewith their benchmarks, Boinic selectethree firms ( anE) to manage partof the pension plassets. Exhibit 1 shows the managers’ performancompareo their benchmark in the one yeafter being selecteOn analyzing these results, Boinictermines thit hma both a Type I anType II error.Intify the firm associatewith Boinic’s Type I anType IIerror. Justify your selection for eaerror type, scussing thepsychologiceffects of its Ye1 performanon Boini type I error is firm oinic selectefirm but firm unrperformerealtive to benchmark, whiis commission error it is important to measure e to its explicitytype II error is firm BBoinic not selefirm B,but firm B outperformerealtive to benchmark,whiis omission error这个答案可以吗

2023-05-09 21:20 1 · 回答