Lee and Wilson recently completed the annual portfolio review and determined the IPS is too short- term focused and excessively risk averse. Accordingly, the IPS is revised and foreign currency is introduced as a separate asset class. Lee hires an external foreign exchange sub-adviser to implement a currency overlay program, emphasizing that it is important to structure the program so that the currency overlay is allowed in terms of strategic portfolio positioning.
Discuss a key attribute of the currency overlay that would increase the likelihood it would be allowed in terms of strategic portfolio positioning
The IPS revision allows for a more proactive currency risk approach in the portfolio because it was determined Wilson was too short-term focused and risk
averse. Lee should structure the currency overlay so that it is as uncorrelated
as possible with other asset or alpha-generation programs in the portfolio. By
introducing foreign currencies as a separate asset class, the more currency overlay is expected to generate alpha that is uncorrelated with the other programs
in the portfolio, the more likely it is to be allowed in terms of strategic portfolio
IPS允许在投资组合中采用更积极的货币风险方法,因为它确定Wilson过于关注短期和规避风险。Lee应该构建currency overlay,使其与投资组合中的其他资产相关性尽可能降低。把外汇作为一个单独的资产类别,它和组合中其他资产相关性越低,越有望在单独管理下产生更多的alpha,也就越有可能在投资组合的战略定位方面被允许。
It is supportive in finding the expertise manager from third-party when using the currency overlay approach.
The currency overlay approach make the currency a separate asset class.This is benefit to seek alpha by taking directional views.