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sion · 2025年03月22日


* 问题详情,请 查看题干



Based on the CFO’s set of assumptions, the gain on the purchase of the variance swap on the S&P 500 in five months would be closest to:









A is correct.

The gain on the variance swap is calculated as:

Values for the inputs are as follows:

Volatility strike on existing swap = 15

Variance strike on existing swap = 152 = 225

Variance  Notional=Vega  Notional2×Strike=$1,000,0002×15=$33,333.33Variance\;Notional=\frac{Vega\;Notional}{2\times Strike}=\frac{\$1,000,000}{2\times15}=\$33,333.33

RealizedVol(0,t)2 = 202 = 400

ImpliedVol(t,T) 2 = 182 = 324

t = 5

T = 12


which is the present value interest factor after five months (i.e., discounting for seven remaining months, from t to T), where the annual interest rate is 1.50%.

Thus, the value of the swap in five months is calculated as follows:

Given that Monatize would be long the swap, the mark-to-market value would be positive (i.e., a gain) for Monatize, equal to $4,317,775.


本题考察的是variance swap。

求得是5个月后variance swap的value,比较简单,重点是记住上面的公式。


公式中的realized volatility,implied volatility以及strike代入数字的时候只取百分号前面的数字。

另外此公式求解的是站在long position的角度的value(也就是本题中的情景);如果题目要求的是short position的value,需要加负号。

为什么fair price就是隐含波动率啊。

1 个答案

李坏_品职助教 · 2025年03月22日


题目告诉我们,到5个月期末的时候, variance swap的strike是18%:

这个东西指的就是讲义P296说的这个Implied Vol:

90%虚值看跌期权(put has 90% moneyness)的对应的是标的资产价格下跌10%的情景,属于“尾部风险”范畴。

而对应时刻的variance swap也是用于对冲或者针对尾部风险进行投机,理论上是无法精确求出variance swap的执行价格到底是百分之多少的波动率,但是虚值看跌期权的隐含波动率是对尾部风险很好的代表,这个是最接近variance swap的fair strike的变量了。


  • 1

  • 0

  • 5


NO.PZ201601050100001705 问题如下 Baseon the CFO’s set of assumptions, the gain on the purchase of the varianswon the S P 500 in five months woulclosest to: A.$4,317,775. B.$4,355,556. C.$4,736,334. A is correct. The gain on the varianswis calculateas:Values for the inputs are follows:Volatility strike on existing sw= 15Varianstrike on existing sw= 152 = 225Variance  Notional=Vega  Notional2×Strike=$1,000,0002×15=$33,333.33Variance\;Notional=\frac{Vega\;Notional}{2\times Strike}=\frac{\$1,000,000}{2\times15}=\$33,333.33VarianceNotional=2×StrikeVegaNotional​=2×15$1,000,000​=$33,333.33Realizeol(0,t)2 = 202 = 400Implieol(t,T)2 = 182 = 324t = 5T = 12PVt(T)=11+[1.50%(712)]=0.991326PV_t\left(T\right)=\frac1{1+\left[1.50\%\left({\splaystyle\frac7{12}}\right)\right]}=0.991326PVt​(T)=1+[1.50%(127​)]1​=0.991326whiis the present value interest factor after five months (i.e., scounting for seven remaining months, from t to T), where the annuinterest rate is 1.50%.Thus, the value of the swin five months is calculatefollows:Given thMonatize woullong the swap, the mark-to-market value woulpositive (i.e., a gain) for Monatize, equto $4,317,775.中文解析本题考察的是varianswap。求得是5个月后varianswap的value,比较简单,重点是记住上面的公式。需要注意的是公式中的realizevolatility,implievolatility以及strike代入数字的时候只取百分号前面的数字。另外此公式求解的是站在long position的角度的value(也就是本题中的情景);如果题目要求的是short position的value,需要加负号。 over the next 5 month, volatility is 20%,所以默认现在是时间点0开始在7个月吗?老师可以画图一下吗没明白为什么公式里减去X的平方是15的平方而不是减去18的平方新的strike price不是18吗?

2023-08-12 22:13 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201601050100001705 问题如下 Baseon the CFO’s set of assumptions, the gain on the purchase of the varianswon the S P 500 in five months woulclosest to: A.$4,317,775. B.$4,355,556. C.$4,736,334. A is correct. The gain on the varianswis calculateas:Values for the inputs are follows:Volatility strike on existing sw= 15Varianstrike on existing sw= 152 = 225Variance  Notional=Vega  Notional2×Strike=$1,000,0002×15=$33,333.33Variance\;Notional=\frac{Vega\;Notional}{2\times Strike}=\frac{\$1,000,000}{2\times15}=\$33,333.33VarianceNotional=2×StrikeVegaNotional​=2×15$1,000,000​=$33,333.33Realizeol(0,t)2 = 202 = 400Implieol(t,T)2 = 182 = 324t = 5T = 12PVt(T)=11+[1.50%(712)]=0.991326PV_t\left(T\right)=\frac1{1+\left[1.50\%\left({\splaystyle\frac7{12}}\right)\right]}=0.991326PVt​(T)=1+[1.50%(127​)]1​=0.991326whiis the present value interest factor after five months (i.e., scounting for seven remaining months, from t to T), where the annuinterest rate is 1.50%.Thus, the value of the swin five months is calculatefollows:Given thMonatize woullong the swap, the mark-to-market value woulpositive (i.e., a gain) for Monatize, equto $4,317,775.中文解析本题考察的是varianswap。求得是5个月后varianswap的value,比较简单,重点是记住上面的公式。需要注意的是公式中的realizevolatility,implievolatility以及strike代入数字的时候只取百分号前面的数字。另外此公式求解的是站在long position的角度的value(也就是本题中的情景);如果题目要求的是short position的value,需要加负号。 如题

2023-05-28 22:44 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201601050100001705 问题如下 Baseon the CFO’s set of assumptions, the gain on the purchase of the varianswon the S P 500 in five months woulclosest to: A.$4,317,775. B.$4,355,556. C.$4,736,334. A is correct. The gain on the varianswis calculateas:Values for the inputs are follows:Volatility strike on existing sw= 15Varianstrike on existing sw= 152 = 225Variance  Notional=Vega  Notional2×Strike=$1,000,0002×15=$33,333.33Variance\;Notional=\frac{Vega\;Notional}{2\times Strike}=\frac{\$1,000,000}{2\times15}=\$33,333.33VarianceNotional=2×StrikeVegaNotional​=2×15$1,000,000​=$33,333.33Realizeol(0,t)2 = 202 = 400Implieol(t,T)2 = 182 = 324t = 5T = 12PVt(T)=11+[1.50%(712)]=0.991326PV_t\left(T\right)=\frac1{1+\left[1.50\%\left({\splaystyle\frac7{12}}\right)\right]}=0.991326PVt​(T)=1+[1.50%(127​)]1​=0.991326whiis the present value interest factor after five months (i.e., scounting for seven remaining months, from t to T), where the annuinterest rate is 1.50%.Thus, the value of the swin five months is calculatefollows:Given thMonatize woullong the swap, the mark-to-market value woulpositive (i.e., a gain) for Monatize, equto $4,317,775.中文解析本题考察的是varianswap。求得是5个月后varianswap的value,比较简单,重点是记住上面的公式。需要注意的是公式中的realizevolatility,implievolatility以及strike代入数字的时候只取百分号前面的数字。另外此公式求解的是站在long position的角度的value(也就是本题中的情景);如果题目要求的是short position的value,需要加负号。 只有strike price和volatility的百分号去掉吗

2022-05-07 16:59 1 · 回答