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lz523 · 2025年03月21日


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Gupta interviews a currency overlay manager on behalf of Portfolio A. The foreign currency overlay manager describes volatility-based trading, compares volatility-based trading strategies and explains how the firm uses currency options to establish positions in the foreign exchange market. The overlay manager states:

Statement 1 "Given the current stability in financial markets, several traders at our firm take advantage of the fact that most options expire out-of-the money and therefore are net-short volatility."

Statement 2 "Traders that want to minimize the impact of unanticipated price volatility are net-long volatility."

Comppare Statement 1 and Statement 2 and identify which best explains the view of a speculative volatility trader and which best explains the view of a hedger of volatility. Justify your response.



Statements 1 and 2 compare differences between speculative volatility traders and hedgers of volatility. Statement 1 best explains the view of a speculative volatility trader. Speculative volatility traders often want to be net-short volatility, if they believe that market conditions will remains stable. The reason for this is that most options expire out-of-the money, and the option writer can then keep the option premium as a payment earned for accepting volatility risk. (Speculative volatility traders would want to be long volatility if they thought volatility was likely to increase.) Statement 2 best describes the view of a hedger of volatility. Most hedgers are net-long volatility since they want to buy protection from unanticipated price volatility. Buying currency risk protection generally means a long option position. This can be thought of as paying an insurance premium for protection against exchange rate volatility.





Statement 1 best explains the view of a speculative volatility trader and Statement 2 best explains the view of a hedger of volatility.

A speculative volatility trader use option to get alpha.When the out-of-money option nearly expire,they can get the option premium by short option.

A hedger of volatility usually use option to protect and they always long options that will get the exposure of net-long volatility.


1 个答案

李坏_品职助教 · 2025年03月22日



应该是:A speculative volatility trader often write options(short options). They believe that market conditions will remains stable so that most options expire out-of-the money. As a result, they can get option premium.

A hedger of volatility usually buy options(long options) because this can protect them from unexpected price volatility. So hedgers have net-long volatility.


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NO.PZ201601050100000107 问题如下 Guptainterviews a currenoverlmanager on behalf of Portfolio The foreigncurrenoverlmanager scribes volatility-basetrang, comparesvolatility-basetrang strategies anexplains how the firm uses currencyoptions to establish positions in the foreign exchange market. The overlaymanager states:Statement 1 \"Given the currentstability in financimarkets, severtrars our firm take aantage ofthe fathmost options expire out-of-the money antherefore are net-shortvolatility.\"Statement 2 \"Trars thwant tominimize the impaof unanticipateprivolatility are net-long volatility.\" Comppare Statement 1 anStatement 2 anintify whibest explains the view of a speculative volatility trar anwhibest explains the view of a heer of volatility. Justify your response. Statements 1 an2 compare fferences between speculative volatility trars anheers of volatility. Statement 1 best explains the view of a speculative volatility trar. Speculative volatility trars often want to net-short volatility, if they believe thmarket contions will remains stable. The reason for this is thmost options expire out-of-the money, anthe option writer cthen keep the option premium a payment earnefor accepting volatility risk. (Speculative volatility trars woulwant to long volatility if they thought volatility wlikely to increase.) Statement 2 best scribes the view of a heer of volatility. Most heers are net-long volatility sinthey want to buy protection from unanticipateprivolatility. Buying currenrisk protection generally means a long option position. This cthought of paying insuranpremium for protection against exchange rate volatility.中文解析陈述1和陈述2比较投机性波动率交易者和波动率套期保值者之间的差异。表述一最好地了投机性波动交易者的观点。投机性波动交易者通常希望净做空波动,如果他们相信市场状况将保持稳定。这样做的原因是,大多数期权在到期时仍然是OTM状态,期权卖方可以将期权费作为接受波动性风险的报酬。表述二最好地描述了波动性对冲者的观点。大多数对冲者都是净多头波动,因为他们想从意料之外的价格波动中购买保护。购买保护通常意味着做多期权头寸。这可以被认为是为防止汇率波动而支付的保险费。 请问老师,statement 2用net long是因为本题用的是volatility option吗?volatility trang有三种工具可用,futures、option和SWAP。基于statement 2的unanticipatevolatility观点如果用futures是采用long/short且volatility中性吗?如果用option就是net long,因为long option可以不行权,但保留了short option的风险敞口 ;如果有swap,是用long varianswap吗?因为long varianswap=long gamma。

2023-08-30 10:11 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201601050100000107 问题如下 Guptainterviews a currenoverlmanager on behalf of Portfolio The foreigncurrenoverlmanager scribes volatility-basetrang, comparesvolatility-basetrang strategies anexplains how the firm uses currencyoptions to establish positions in the foreign exchange market. The overlaymanager states:Statement 1 \"Given the currentstability in financimarkets, severtrars our firm take aantage ofthe fathmost options expire out-of-the money antherefore are net-shortvolatility.\"Statement 2 \"Trars thwant tominimize the impaof unanticipateprivolatility are net-long volatility.\" Comppare Statement 1 anStatement 2 anintify whibest explains the view of a speculative volatility trar anwhibest explains the view of a heer of volatility. Justify your response. Statements 1 an2 compare fferences between speculative volatility trars anheers of volatility. Statement 1 best explains the view of a speculative volatility trar. Speculative volatility trars often want to net-short volatility, if they believe thmarket contions will remains stable. The reason for this is thmost options expire out-of-the money, anthe option writer cthen keep the option premium a payment earnefor accepting volatility risk. (Speculative volatility trars woulwant to long volatility if they thought volatility wlikely to increase.) Statement 2 best scribes the view of a heer of volatility. Most heers are net-long volatility sinthey want to buy protection from unanticipateprivolatility. Buying currenrisk protection generally means a long option position. This cthought of paying insuranpremium for protection against exchange rate volatility.中文解析陈述1和陈述2比较投机性波动率交易者和波动率套期保值者之间的差异。表述一最好地了投机性波动交易者的观点。投机性波动交易者通常希望净做空波动,如果他们相信市场状况将保持稳定。这样做的原因是,大多数期权在到期时仍然是OTM状态,期权卖方可以将期权费作为接受波动性风险的报酬。表述二最好地描述了波动性对冲者的观点。大多数对冲者都是净多头波动,因为他们想从意料之外的价格波动中购买保护。购买保护通常意味着做多期权头寸。这可以被认为是为防止汇率波动而支付的保险费。 Trars thwant to minimize the impaof unanticipateprivolatility are net-long volatility.这个最小化波动率的影响不应该是short v吗?

2022-05-12 18:25 2 · 回答

Gupta interviews a currenoverlmanager on behalf of Portfolio The foreign currenoverlmanager scribes volatility-basetrang, compares volatility-basetrang strategies anexplains how the firm uses currenoptions to establish positions in the foreign exchange market. The overlmanager states: Statement 1 \"Given the current stability in financimarkets, severtrars our firm take aantage of the fathmost options expire out-of-the money antherefore are net-short volatility.\" Statement 2 \"Trars thwant to minimize the impaof unanticipateprivolatility are net-long volatility.\" 7. Comppare Statement 1 anStatement 2 anintify whibest explains the view of a speculative volatility trar anwhibest explains the view of a heer of volatility. Justify your response. Statements 1 an2 compare fferences between speculative volatility trars anheers of volatility. Statement 1 best explains the view of a speculative volatility trar. Speculative volatility trars often want to net-short volatility, if they believe thmarket contions will remains stable. The reason for this is thmost options expire out-of-the money, anthe option writer cthen keep the option premium a payment earnefor accepting volatility risk. (Speculative volatility trars woulwant to long volatility if they thought volatility wlikely to increase.) Statement 2 best scribes the view of a heer of volatility. Most heers are net-long volatility sinthey want to buy protection from unanticipateprivolatility. Buying currenrisk protection generally means a long option position. This cthought of paying insuranpremium for protection against exchange rate volatility. 老师你好,何老师在讲解时提到目前市场都是otm的option,所以波动不大,不太理解这个逻辑,为什么expire out of the money就是波动不大呢

2020-03-06 20:34 1 · 回答


2018-05-01 16:26 1 · 回答