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mino酱是个小破货 · 2025年03月21日




Susan Patnode, age 66, was recently widowed and received £2,000,000 from a spousal life insurance policy. Patnode would like to invest the proceeds to generate predictable income to cover her ongoing living expenses.

Patnode is considering three investment managers, Laurbær Partners, Alcanfor Limited, and Mylesten Management, to manage the insurance policy proceeds. All three take an active investment approach. Further information regarding each of the investment manager’s investment philosophy and approach is provided in Exhibit 1

Identify which investment manager is most suitable for Patnode. Justify your response based solely on each manager’s investment philosophy and approach.



Laurbær Partners is most suitable for Patnode. Patnode would like to invest the proceeds to generate predictable income to cover her ongoing living expenses.Laurbær Partners emphasizes on measuring the contribution of each to performacne. Alcanfor limited's return is not stable and so does the Mylesten Management.


1 个答案

王暄_品职助教 · 2025年03月22日


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NO.PZ2021102801000011 问题如下 SusPatno, age 66, wrecently wiwenreceive£2,000,000 from a spouslife insuranpolicy. Patno woulike to invest the procee to generate prectable income to cover her ongoingliving expenses.Patno is consiring three investmentmanagers, Laurbær Partners, Alcanfor Limite anMylesten Management, tomanage the insuranpoliprocee. All three take active investmentapproach. Further information regarng eaof the investment manager’sinvestment philosophy anapproais proviin Exhibit 1Intify whiinvestment manager is most suitable forPatno. Justify your response baseolely on eamanager’s investment philosophy anapproach. Patno's gois generating the prectable income to cover onging living expense.LaurbPartner's philosophy is measruing the contribution of eato performance, whimeet the requirement of precatble income.

2025-03-06 00:37 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2021102801000011 问题如下 SusPatno, age 66, wrecently wiwenreceive£2,000,000 from a spouslife insuranpolicy. Patno woulike to invest the procee to generate prectable income to cover her ongoingliving expenses.Patno is consiring three investmentmanagers, Laurbær Partners, Alcanfor Limite anMylesten Management, tomanage the insuranpoliprocee. All three take active investmentapproach. Further information regarng eaof the investment manager’sinvestment philosophy anapproais proviin Exhibit 1Intify whiinvestment manager is most suitable forPatno. Justify your response baseolely on eamanager’s investment philosophy anapproach. 几乎连答案也没怎么懂,顺着答案的逻辑想也不知道在说啥

2023-05-09 12:11 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2021102801000011问题如下 SusPatno, age 66, wrecently wiwenreceive£2,000,000 from a spouslife insuranpolicy. Patno woulike to invest the procee to generate prectable income to cover her ongoingliving expenses.Patno is consiring three investmentmanagers, Laurbær Partners, Alcanfor Limite anMylesten Management, tomanage the insuranpoliprocee. All three take active investmentapproach. Further information regarng eaof the investment manager’sinvestment philosophy anapproais proviin Exhibit 1Intify whiinvestment manager is most suitable forPatno. Justify your response baseolely on eamanager’s investment philosophy anapproach. 还是没太明白为什么选第一个人,invest in new theme感觉风险更大一些呀,而且这个人66岁了,需要更稳定的投资。我一开始觉得第二个人更合适,trathe market啥的,能否再详细下?

2022-04-14 14:09 1 · 回答