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mino酱是个小破货 · 2025年03月21日




Brickridge Investment Consultants meets weekly to review the positives and negatives of investment managers being considered for client portfolios. In the latest meeting, analyst Brad Moore discusses investment manager Lyon Management (Lyon). His indepth analysis of one of Lyon’s investment strategies includes the following summary details:

Detail 1: Long and short positions are paired.

Detail 2: Investment strategy relies on unique information.

Detail 3: AUM connected with the strategy have grown substantially, while the number and characteristics of positions have stayed the same.

Asked about Lyon’s regulatory context, Moore states, “The regulatory environment is strong and seeks to decrease information symmetries.”

Identify whether each detail from Moore’s summary is most likely a benefit or a drawback of the strategy. Justify your selection.



Detail 1 is a benefit, long and short positions are paired can capture aplha when they converage to historical average price.The pair posistion can reduce risk.

Detail 2 is a drawback .When the regulatory environment is strong, it's hard to get unique information.

Detail 3 is a drawback.AUM connected with the strategy have grown substantially,you need to adjust the number and characteristics of positions to suit for the new AUM.


1 个答案

王暄_品职助教 · 2025年03月22日


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NO.PZ2021102801000014 问题如下 Brickrie Investment Consultants meets weeklyto review the positives annegatives of investment managers being consireor client portfolios. In the latest meeting, analyst BrMoore scussesinvestment manager Lyon Management (Lyon). His inpth analysis of one ofLyon’s investment strategies inclus the following summary tails:tail 1: Long anhort positions are pairetail 2:Investment strategy relies on unique information.tail 3: AUMconnectewith the strategy have grown substantially, while the number anharacteristiof positions have stayethe same.Askeabout Lyon’s regulatory context, Moorestates, “The regulatory environment is strong anseeks to crease informationsymmetries.”Intifywhether eatail from Moore’s summary is most likely a benefit or a awbackof the strategy. Justify yourselection. 老师你好,这里题目的表达让我很困惑他说的是“The regulatory environment is strong anseeks to crease information symmetries.”为什么这里是说information symmetries而不是说crease information asymmetries 呢降低信息对称性不是反而让问题更严重了吗而且和前半段也相违背

2023-05-14 12:03 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2021102801000014问题如下 Brickrie Investment Consultants meets weeklyto review the positives annegatives of investment managers being consireor client portfolios. In the latest meeting, analyst BrMoore scussesinvestment manager Lyon Management (Lyon). His inpth analysis of one ofLyon’s investment strategies inclus the following summary tails:tail 1: Long anhort positions are pairetail 2:Investment strategy relies on unique information.tail 3: AUMconnectewith the strategy have grown substantially, while the number anharacteristiof positions have stayethe same.Askeabout Lyon’s regulatory context, Moorestates, “The regulatory environment is strong anseeks to crease informationsymmetries.”Intifywhether eatail from Moore’s summary is most likely a benefit or a awbackof the strategy. Justify yourselection. 这道题考的什么考点?

2022-04-05 17:56 1 · 回答