A country’s Gini coefficient for income distribution is currently 0.35 and was 0.25 10 years earlier. Which of the following responses best describes the level and change of the country’s income inequality?
A.Income inequality is relatively low currently and has decreased over the last 10 years.
Income inequality is relatively low currently and has increased over the last 10 years
Income inequality is relatively high currently and has improved over the last 10 years.
Gini coefficients range from zero to one, with a value of zero reflecting income equality. Income inequality is greater as the Gini coefficient moves higher. With a value closer to zero, 0.35 likely reflects relatively low levels of income inequality. But, as the coefficient has moved higher over the last 10 years, it indicates an increase in income inequality or a decrease in income equality in the country
基尼系数不是越大越不好吗 0.25变成0.35 收入更不均等了啊 为什么不选c