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梦梦 · 2025年01月16日




Which of the following statements about the liquidity in crisis situations is NOT correct?



Crisis event triggers a huge number of sell orders and traders become reluctant to buy.


In the crisis, the bid-ask spread typically stay constant, but the market liquidity dries up.


In the crisis, flood of sell orders can overwhelm market and delay executions.


Estimating crisis liquidity is more than just extrapolation from “normal market LaR”




B选项描述错误,正确的表述为:In the crisis, bid–ask spread rises dramatically.

Role of Liquidity in Crisis Situations可以总结为:

1Crisis event triggers a huge number of sell orders

2Traders become reluctant to buy

3Bid–ask spread rises dramatically

4Flood of sell orders can overwhelm market and delay executions

5Market liquidity dries up (when most needed)

6Model assumptions (especially “liquidity in normal markets”) break down

7Estimating crisis liquidity is more than just extrapolation from “normal market LaR”

8Need to estimate crisis-liquidity risks using methods that take account for crisis features; e.g., large losses, high bid–ask spread


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NO.PZ2020042003000010 问题如下 Whiof the following statements about theliquity in crisis situations is NOT correct? Crisis event triggers a hugenumber of sell orrs antrars become reluctant to buy. In the crisis, the biask spretypicallystconstant, but the market liquity ies up. In the crisis, flooof sell orrs canoverwhelm market anlexecutions. Estimating crisis liquity is more thjust extrapolation from “normmarketLaR” 答案B描述错误,本题选B解析B描述错误,正确的表述为Inthe crisis, biask sprerises amatically. Role of Liquity in Crisis Situations可以总结为1、Crisis eventtriggers a huge number of sell orrs2、Trars becomereluctant to buy3、Biask spreaises amatically4、Flooof sellorrs coverwhelm market anlexecutions5、Market liquityies up (when most nee6、Mol assumptions(especially “liquity in normmarkets”) brewn7、Estimating crisisliquity is more thjust extrapolation from “normmarket LaR”8、Neeto estimatecrisis-liquity risks using metho thtake account for crisis features;e.g., large losses, high biask spre 老师在讲课的时候不是举例说mirice不变说明MR没有受到影响,只是bi和ask的价格变宽了,导致了流动性危机吗?

2023-07-30 15:17 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2020042003000010 In the crisis, the biask spretypicallystconstant, but the market liquity ies up. In the crisis, flooof sell orrs canoverwhelm market anlexecutions. Estimating crisis liquity is more thjust extrapolation from “normmarketLaR” 答案B描述错误,本题选B 解析 B描述错误,正确的表述为Inthe crisis, biask sprerises amatically. Role of Liquity in Crisis Situations可以总结为 1、Crisis eventtriggers a huge number of sell orrs 2、Trars becomereluctant to buy 3、Biask spreaises amatically 4、Flooof sellorrs coverwhelm market anlexecutions 5、Market liquityies up (when most nee 6、Mol assumptions(especially “liquity in normmarkets”) brewn 7、Estimating crisisliquity is more thjust extrapolation from “normmarket LaR” 8、Neeto estimatecrisis-liquity risks using metho thtake account for crisis features;e.g., large losses, high biask spreA是有很多卖单还是很多卖单在危急时刻变成买单,如果是后者危机时刻应该都是抛售行为吧

2021-02-21 06:53 1 · 回答

Estimating crisis liquity is more thjust extrapolation from “normmarket LaR” 这个么里面的 extrapolation怎么扯上关系的。

2020-08-12 21:44 1 · 回答