开发者:上海品职教育科技有限公司 隐私政策详情


Anderson · 2025年01月16日


Correct Answer:

Trade 1 should be executed. Interest rates decline when the economy weakens. Due to negative convexity, callable bonds underperform non-callable bonds during periods of declining interest rates. Callable bonds have a price limit imposed by the call price. Consequently, the bond would most likely be called when rates decline. The trade will, therefore, be profitable.

Trade 2 should not be executed. Given Yung’s economic outlook and anticipation of a parallel downward shift in the yield curve, duration should be increased, not decreased. Fixed-rate bonds have higher duration than floating-rate bonds as coupons are fixed rather than adjusting periodically to market interest rates. Selling higher-duration bonds to invest in lower-duration bonds as rates decline would not be appropriate.


Trade 1

Profitable. Give there will be a downward parallel shift, callable bond will experience less upward price movement than non-callable bond. So buying non-callable bond and selling callable bond will likely be profitable.


Trade 2:

Not likely to be profitable. The increase rate will decrease, resulting in decreasing coupon payment. So replacing fixed rate bond by floating rate bond won't be profitable.




  1. 对于callable bond,是否一定要点出 Due to negative convexity以及likely to be called 这样的字眼?我的回答有回答到上涨的不如non callable bond是不是够了?
  2. 对于fixed换floating,标准答案中专门强调了“duration should be increased” 这个是我没想到的,这是一个必须要出现的关键词么?感觉这么一对比,我从coupon income下降并不是一个好的角度?
1 个答案

发亮_品职助教 · 2025年01月16日

Trade 1的回复没问题,可拿满分。

回复里面已经说了callable bond的价格上升受限,其实原因就是due to negative convexity, likely to be called。due to negative convexity和likely to be called相当于是进一步解释为什么价格上升受限。但其实只要说道价格上升受限不如Non-callable bond就够了。

Trade 2的duration一定要说。

利率改变的时候,优先想到duration的大小影响。因为duration对债券价格影响的收益,远远大于利率对coupon的影响。所以trade 2要从duration角度解释,至于floating rate bond的coupon更低,可说可不说。


Fixed bond has higher duration than floating rate bond. Based on the expectation of a downward parallel shift, we should increase the duration of the portfolio to gain more capital. for the trade 2, by selling 10-year fixed bond and buying 10-year floating rate bond, the portfolio duration will be decreased.

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