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KKII · 2025年01月15日




Which statement made during the investment committee meeting is least likely to be correct?

Statement 1: One approach to economic modeling is to use the checklist approach. It is quite simple, as well as flexible, since one can include a wide array of economic data. However, it is time consuming due to the need to continually monitor the data already being used, as well as to consider other data that could be included. Also, it is inherently subjective as it relies on the analyst’s opinion of what economic data should be included.

Statement 2: Another approach is to use statistics to model relationships among types of economic data. By understanding the past relationship between consumer spending, housing income, and interest rates, an analyst can forecast future economic growth rates based on their belief of where certain economic variables will be in the coming years. These models are robust and tend to forecast turning points in an economy well.

Statement 3: An approach that is commonly used and easy to understand is looking at leading economic indicators. These can be individual economic data items, such as the unemployment rate, or a combination of items to create a composite index. While this approach is helpful, the data used are subject to frequent revisions, which impact the reliability of interpreting the data in real time.


A.Statement 1 B.Statement 2 C. Statement 3


The approach described in Statement 2 is the use of econometric models. Econometric models rarely forecast turning points well. Relationships among variables fluctuate over time because of changes in economic structure and/or because the model may have been based on faulty assumptions as to how the world works, which can lead to a misspecified model.

Statements 1 and 3 are correct.



1 个答案

源_品职助教 · 2025年01月15日






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NO.PZ2022122601000074 问题如下 Whistatement ma ring the investment committee meeting isleast likely to correct?Statement 1:One approato economic moling is to use the checklist approach. It is quitesimple, well flexible, sinone cinclu a wi arrof economictHowever, it is time consuming e to the neeto continually monitor theta alrea being use well to consir other ta thcoulincluAlso, it is inherently subjective it relies on the analyst’s opinion of whateconomic ta shoulincluStatement 2:Another approais to use statistito mol relationships among types ofeconomic tunrstanng the past relationship between consumerspenng, housing income, aninterest rates, analyst cforecast futureeconomic growth rates baseon their belief of where certain economic variableswill in the coming years. These mols are robust antento forecast turningpoints in economy well.Statement 3: Anapproathis commonly useaneasy to unrstanis looking leangeconomic incators. These cinvieconomic ta items, sutheunemployment rate, or a combination of items to create a composite inx. Whilethis approais helpful, the ta useare subjeto frequent revisions,whiimpathe reliability of interpreting the ta in retime. A.Statement 1 B.Statement 2 Statement 3 The approachscribein Statement 2 is the use of econometric mols. Econometric molsrarely forecast turning points well. Relationships among variables fluctuateover time because of changes in economic structure anor because the mol mayhave been baseon faulty assumptions to how the worlworks, whicleao a misspecifiemol.Statements 1 an3are correct. \"unrstanng the past relationship between consumer spenng, housing income, aninterest rates, analyst cforecast future economic growth rates baseon their belief of where certain economic variables will in the coming years.\"这句话也错了吗?

2025-01-06 12:24 1 · 回答