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Alex · 2025年01月15日

FI - Single Liability



Mowery informs Compton that DFC has a single $500 million liability due in nine years, and she wants SD&R to construct a bond portfolio that earns a rate of return sufficient to pay of the obligation. Mowery expresses concern about the risks associated with an immunization strategy for this obligation. In response, Compton makes the following statements about liability-driven investing:

Statement 1 Although the amount and date of SD&R’s liability is known with certainty, measurement errors associated with key parameters relative to interest rate changes may adversely affect the bond portfolios.

Statement 2 A cash flow matching strategy will mitigate the risk from nonparallel shifts in the yield curve.

Which of Compton’s statements about liability-driven investing is (are) correct?



Statement 1 only.


Statement 2 only.


Both Statement 1 and Statement 2.


C is correct. Compton is correct that measurement error can arise even in immunization strategies for Type 1 cash flows, which have set amounts and set dates. Also, a parallel shift in yield curves is a sufficient but not a necessary condition to achieve the desired outcome. Non-parallel shifts as well as twists in the yield curve can change the cash flow yield on the immunizing portfolio; however, minimizing the dispersion of cash flows in the asset portfolio mitigates this risk. As a result, both statements are correct.

老师,请问可以讲一下Statement 1吗?为什么只会“adversely affect”呢?

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NO.PZ2023032703000024 问题如下 Mowery informs Compton thC ha single $500 million liability e in nine years, anshe wants SR to construa bonportfolio thearns a rate of return sufficient to pof the obligation. Mowery expresses concern about the risks associatewith immunization strategy for this obligation. In response, Compton makes the following statements about liability-iven investing:Statement 1 Although the amount ante of SR’s liability is known with certainty, measurement errors associatewith key parameters relative to interest rate changes maersely affethe bonportfolios.Statement 2 A cash flow matching strategy will mitigate the risk from nonparallel shifts in the yielcurve.Whiof Compton’s statements about liability-iven investing is (are) correct? A.Statement 1 only. B.Statement 2 only. C.Both Statement 1 anStatement 2. C is correct. Compton is correthmeasurement error carise even in immunization strategies for Type 1 cash flows, whihave set amounts anset tes. Also, a parallel shift in yielcurves is a sufficient but not a necessary contion to achieve the sireoutcome. Non-parallel shifts well twists in the yielcurve cchange the cash flow yielon the immunizing portfolio; however, minimizing the spersion of cash flows in the asset portfolio mitigates this risk. a result, both statements are correct. 请教一下老师【 measurement errors associatewith key parameters relative to interest rate changes maersely affethe bonportfolios】具体指哪方面的errors?我理解,在immunization的情况下,哪怕是interest rate变化的测算出现了问题,也被immunize掉了,不受影响

2024-07-26 13:16 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2023032703000024 问题如下 Mowery informs Compton thC ha single $500 million liability e in nine years, anshe wants SR to construa bonportfolio thearns a rate of return sufficient to pof the obligation. Mowery expresses concern about the risks associatewith immunization strategy for this obligation. In response, Compton makes the following statements about liability-iven investing:Statement 1 Although the amount ante of SR’s liability is known with certainty, measurement errors associatewith key parameters relative to interest rate changes maersely affethe bonportfolios.Statement 2 A cash flow matching strategy will mitigate the risk from nonparallel shifts in the yielcurve.Whiof Compton’s statements about liability-iven investing is (are) correct? A.Statement 1 only. B.Statement 2 only. C.Both Statement 1 anStatement 2. C is correct. Compton is correthmeasurement error carise even in immunization strategies for Type 1 cash flows, whihave set amounts anset tes. Also, a parallel shift in yielcurves is a sufficient but not a necessary contion to achieve the sireoutcome. Non-parallel shifts well twists in the yielcurve cchange the cash flow yielon the immunizing portfolio; however, minimizing the spersion of cash flows in the asset portfolio mitigates this risk. a result, both statements are correct. 我觉得2 也不对,因为根据基础班讲义,cash flow matching 是针对multple liabiliy 的,这道题只涉及到single liability 啊;另外利率曲线非平行移动带来的风险是不是只yo有通过最小化convexity 或spersion来实现? 还有其他方法么

2024-01-06 19:36 1 · 回答