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Anderson · 2025年01月13日

关于human capital找相似asset class

Determine which one asset class in Alonso’s portfolio most closely resembles his current human capital. Justify your response with two reasons.

我的回答:Treasury bills most closely resembles his current human capital.


  1. Alonso plan to retire as soon as the 10-year contract, meaning his human capital will drop significantly to zero after 10 years and hence now the portion of his human capital accounts for a small portion of his total net worth, similar to treasury bills' 5% weight.
  2. Since the club owner gurantee his salary over the life of the contract, the certainty of payment is similar to T-bills, which assume to be no default.


A rated Corporate amortizing ABS

Alonso's human capital is bond-like, not equity-like, because of the fixed payments provided in his contract. His contract extends over 10 years, much longer than Treasury bill maturities. His contract is subject to the credit worthiness of the team owner. Such credit risk is similar to corporate securities credit risk, rather than to government credit risk.

Alonso's human capital will gradually deplete(as he works toward age 55), similar to the principal of corporate ABS securities and unlike government bonds

Although amortizing ABS payments are nottypically indexed for inflation (as Alonso's salaryis), the structure and payment stream of corporateamortizing ABS most closelyresemble his human capital, from among thechoices given.



1 个答案

费费_品职助教 · 2025年01月14日



1.这个是life-cycle view of human capital的考点,human capital有bond-like(比如全职员工) 和 equity-like(企业家)

2.题目是问客户的投资组合中哪一种资产类别最接近他目前的人力资本。从题干的表述可知,客户是bond-like,即收入相对稳定,比如他签了10年期合同(长期,对比treasury bills是短期)、工资与通胀挂钩、即使公司财务困难也能保证其工资(但还是会存在信用风险,所以不是government bonds)。

注意:Treasury bills(国库券)通常是短期债务工具,常见的期限有3 个月(13 周)、6 个月(26 周)和 12 个月(52 周)

3.因此A-rated corporate amoritizing ABS 是最符合的


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