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sliang · 2025年01月13日

DB Plan contribution



Fiona Heselwith is a 40-year-old US citizen who has accepted a job with Lyricul, LLC, a UK-based company. Her benefits package includes a retirement savings plan. The company offers both a defined benefit (DB) plan and a defined contribution (DC) plan but stipulates that employees must choose one plan and remain with that plan throughout their term of employment.

The DB plan is fully funded and provides full vesting after five years. The benefit formula for monthly payments upon retirement is calculated as follows:

Ÿ Final monthly salary × Benefit percentage of 2% × Number of years of service

Ÿ The final monthly salary is equal to average monthly earnings for the last five financial years immediately prior to the retirement date.

The DC plan contributes 12% of annual salary into the plan each year and is also fully vested after five years. Lyricul offers its DC plan participants a series of life-cycle funds as investment choices. Heselwith could choose a fund with a target date matching her planned retirement date. She would be able to make additional contributions from her salary if she chooses.

Discuss the features that Heselwith should consider in evaluating the two plans with respect to the following:

i. Benefit payments

ii. Contributions

iii. Shortfall risk

iv. Mortality/longevity risks



请问就contribution 这一点来说,通常employee要make contribution to db plan么?还是employer only make contribution to db plan?

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NO.PZ2023010409000011问题如下 Fiona Heselwith is a40-year-olUS citizen who hacceptea job with Lyricul, LLa UK-baseompany. Her benefits package inclus a retirement savings plan. The companyoffers both a finebenefit () plana finecontribution () plbutstipulates themployees must choose one planremain with thplthroughouttheir term of employment.The plisfully funanprovis full vesting after five years. The benefit formulafor monthly payments upon retirement is calculatefollows:Ÿ Finmonthly salary × Benefitpercentage of 2% × Number of years of serviceŸ The finmonthly salary is equto average monthly earnings forthe last five financiyears immeately prior to the retirement te.The plancontributes 12% of annusalary into the pleayeanis also fullyvesteafter five years. Lyricul offers its plparticipants a series oflife-cycle fun investment choices. Heselwith coulchoose a funwith a targette matching her planneretirement te. She woulable to make aitionalcontributions from her salary if she chooses.scuss thefeatures thHeselwith shoulconsir in evaluating the two plans withrespeto the following:i. Benefit paymentsii. Contributionsiii. Shortfall riskiv. Mortality/longevity risks Benefit Payments ha clearly finebenefit payment is affectefinmonthly salary, number of years of service, anbenefit payment 2% es not have the payment finein aance, anthe payment is affectethe investment result of the Heselwith chosen funContributions plan: company bears the risk of making aitioncontribution if the funturns to unrfunanneeaitioninput to main the funstatus pan: Heselwith nee to bethe risk of making aitioncontribution if the investment laters become less profitable thexpecteeven through it is 12% for now.Shortfall risk’s shortfall risk is bethe company. The company nee to pfixebenefit no matter what. Thus, if shortfall risk occurs anthe funen with very little value. The company nee to bethe risk. plan’s shortfall is bethe investor. The investor nee to take the risk ththe value of the funis not enough to meet the retirement objectives. Mortality/Longevity risk plpools the mortality anlongetivity risk. Employees who e early saves money for the funto make more payments to those who live longer thexpecte plintroces the risk of running out of money in late years for employees.

2024-06-27 22:38 1 · 回答