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emma爱地球 · 2025年01月12日




Steven, a manager of a hedge fund company, recently purchased a lot of Bubbles' common stock, and at the same time he sold put options on Bubbles' stock too. Because the clients knew the fund's general strategy in advance, so, he did not inform them anything about this trade. Did Steven violate the Code and Standards?





Yes, because he manipulated publicly traded securities' prices.


Yes, because he didn't inform clients about this trade before trading.


A is correct.

According to Standard II(B) Market Manipulation, Steven just used an arbitrage opportunity to gain some profit. This transaction is not a violation of the standard. And the clients all knew this kind of strategy in advance, so, Steven may not disclose this to his clients.

请问题目他买入说的,是指他自己买入还是他代表客户产品买入? 现在他买的股票和期权是同一个方向,如果是不同方向的,那算是虚增交易量吗?

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NO.PZ2016032802000031问题如下Steven, a manager of a hee funcompany, recently purchasea lot of Bubbles' common stock, anthe same time he solput options on Bubbles' stotoo. Because the clients knew the funs generstrategy in aance, so, he not inform them anything about this tra. Steven violate the Co anStanr?A.No.B.Yes, because he manipulatepublicly trasecurities' prices.C.Yes, because he 't inform clients about this tra before trang.A is correct.Accorng to StanrII(Market Manipulation, Steven just usearbitrage opportunity to gain some profit. This transaction is not a violation of the stanr Anthe clients all knew this kinof strategy in aance, so, Steven mnot sclose this to his clients.我明白不违反IIB 但我想问问这是否违反其他准则?

2024-07-21 20:51 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2016032802000031问题如下Steven, a manager of a hee funcompany, recently purchasea lot of Bubbles' common stock, anthe same time he solput options on Bubbles' stotoo. Because the clients knew the funs generstrategy in aance, so, he not inform them anything about this tra. Steven violate the Co anStanr?A.No.B.Yes, because he manipulatepublicly trasecurities' prices.C.Yes, because he 't inform clients about this tra before trang.A is correct.Accorng to StanrII(Market Manipulation, Steven just usearbitrage opportunity to gain some profit. This transaction is not a violation of the stanr Anthe clients all knew this kinof strategy in aance, so, Steven mnot sclose this to his clients.他是做对冲 当然应该是买入put option 或者sell call option 才是对冲 才和他的交易策略一致 这里是sell put option与交易策略不一致所以要告知啊 怎么是不违反呢?

2023-11-04 01:20 2 · 回答

NO.PZ2016032802000031 问题如下 Steven, a manager of a hee funcompany, recently purchasea lot of Bubbles' common stock, anthe same time he solput options on Bubbles' stotoo. Because the clients knew the funs generstrategy in aance, so, he not inform them anything about this tra. Steven violate the Co anStanr? A.No. B.Yes, because he manipulatepublicly trasecurities' prices. C.Yes, because he 't inform clients about this tra before trang. A is correct.Accorng to StanrII(Market Manipulation, Steven just usearbitrage opportunity to gain some profit. This transaction is not a violation of the stanr Anthe clients all knew this kinof strategy in aance, so, Steven mnot sclose this to his clients. 看之前的回答“当put exercise pricurrent stoprice时,put option不会行权,short put option 可以赚取期权费。当基金经理预测市场股价不会大跌时,预测put option不会行权,通过short put option可以增强投资收益。 ”麻烦老师给下“put option不会行权,short put option 可以赚取期权费”这句话。。。虽然听完了后面的课但是又迷糊了。。可以举个例子么,谢谢

2022-09-28 16:48 1 · 回答

    看了之前的回答还是不是很清楚a和c 因为虽然公司是做对冲并且客户知道公司的交易策略但是这次交易应该也对客户进行披露吧?

2019-05-01 21:05 1 · 回答


2019-04-14 14:09 1 · 回答