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绿水精灵 · 2025年01月11日

timing tranch的关键词是什么?

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Select which of the following statements related to the collateralized bonds issued directly by the SPE is most accurate.



This senior/subordinated structure is an example of time tranching.


Losses are realized by the subordinated bond classes before any losses are realized by Class A bonds.


In a waterfall structure such as this one, losses are shared proportionally across all subordinated bond classes.


The correct answer is B. Losses are realized by the subordinated bond classes before any losses are realized by the senior Class A bonds. A is incorrect because this senior/subordinated structure is an example of credit tranching, not time tranching. C is incorrect because in a waterfall structure such as this one, the most junior tranche, Class D, will absorb all losses up to its full CAD50 million par value first. Then, if credit losses exceed that threshold, Bond Class C will absorb all losses up to its full CAD100 million par value. The losses are not shared proportionally across all subordinated bond classes; instead, they are absorbed by the most junior classes first and subsequently by the more senior ones up to the value of the loss.

看了此题的问答,老师给到的都是credit tranching的讲义截图,貌似提到senior subordinate Junior字眼的是credit tranching, 那timing traching的关键字是什么?如何更明确区分?

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NO.PZ202305230100009002问题如下 Selewhiof the following statements relateto the collateralizebon issuerectly the SPE is most accurate. A.This senior/subornatestructure is example of time tranching.B.Losses are realizethe subornatebonclasses before any losses are realizeClass A bon.C.In a waterfall structure suthis one, losses are shareproportionally across all subornatebonclasses. The correanswer is Losses are realizethe subornatebonclasses before any losses are realizethe senior Class A bon. A is incorrebecause this senior/subornatestructure is example of cret tranching, not time tranching. C is incorrebecause in a waterfall structure suthis one, the most junior tranche, Class will absorb all losses up to its full CA0 million pvalue first. Then, if cret losses exceeththreshol BonClass C will absorb all losses up to its full CA00 million pvalue. The losses are not shareproportionally across all subornatebonclasses; instea they are absorbethe most junior classes first ansubsequently the more senior ones up to the value of the loss. 怎么分辨是time tranch还是cret tranch?到期日不同 不也是time tranch吗

2024-08-14 22:09 2 · 回答

NO.PZ202305230100009002问题如下 Selewhiof the following statements relateto the collateralizebon issuerectly the SPE is most accurate. A.This senior/subornatestructure is example of time tranching.B.Losses are realizethe subornatebonclasses before any losses are realizeClass A bon.C.In a waterfall structure suthis one, losses are shareproportionally across all subornatebonclasses. The correanswer is Losses are realizethe subornatebonclasses before any losses are realizethe senior Class A bon. A is incorrebecause this senior/subornatestructure is example of cret tranching, not time tranching. C is incorrebecause in a waterfall structure suthis one, the most junior tranche, Class will absorb all losses up to its full CA0 million pvalue first. Then, if cret losses exceeththreshol BonClass C will absorb all losses up to its full CA00 million pvalue. The losses are not shareproportionally across all subornatebonclasses; instea they are absorbethe most junior classes first ansubsequently the more senior ones up to the value of the loss. 这四个层级maturity也不同,所以是否可以理解为是cret tranching 和 time tranching 混合来达到enhancement?

2024-02-13 17:16 1 · 回答

NO.PZ202305230100009002 问题如下 Selewhiof the following statements relateto the collateralizebon issuerectly the SPE is most accurate. A.This senior/subornatestructure is example of time tranching. B.Losses are realizethe subornatebonclasses before any losses are realizeClass A bon. C.In a waterfall structure suthis one, losses are shareproportionally across all subornatebonclasses. The correanswer is Losses are realizethe subornatebonclasses before any losses are realizethe senior Class A bon. A is incorrebecause this senior/subornatestructure is example of cret tranching, not time tranching. C is incorrebecause in a waterfall structure suthis one, the most junior tranche, Class will absorb all losses up to its full CA0 million pvalue first. Then, if cret losses exceeththreshol BonClass C will absorb all losses up to its full CA00 million pvalue. The losses are not shareproportionally across all subornatebonclasses; instea they are absorbethe most junior classes first ansubsequently the more senior ones up to the value of the loss. a为什么不是time tranching啊

2023-11-22 21:16 1 · 回答