开发者:上海品职教育科技有限公司 隐私政策详情


西红柿面 · 2025年01月07日


* 问题详情,请 查看题干



4. When recommending the mutual fund to Vanderon, does Klein violate any CFA Standards?





Yes, relating to suitability.


Yes, relating to referral fees.


C is correct.

Klein violates Standard VI(C) relating to Referral Fees because he fails to provide appropriate disclosure. The Standard states that members must disclose the nature of the consideration or benefit—for example, whether flat fee or percentage basis; one¬time or continuing benefit; based on performance—together with the estimated monetary value. Although Klein acknowledges receipt of referral fees from the fund, he does not disclose an estimated dollar value or the nature of the consideration.

several of my clients hold this fund and they are all very happy with it. One of them invested $50,000 five years ago. That investment is worth more than $100,000 today

1 个答案

王暄_品职助教 · 2025年01月08日

这里并不违反Confidentiality。Klein的问题在于他没有适当披露引荐费的相关信息,这违反了Standard VI(C)的规定。Confidentiality主要要求保护客户的隐私和信息不被泄露给未经授权的第三方,而在这个案例中,Klein并没有泄露客户的任何私人信息或机密内容。因此,他的行为并不违反Confidentiality,而是违反了关于引荐费披露的规定。

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NO.PZ201604030300004404 问题如下 4. When recommenng the mutufunto Vanron, es Klein violate any CFA Stanr? A.No. B.Yes, relating to suitability. C.Yes, relating to referrfees. C is correct.Klein violates StanrVI(relating to ReferrFees because he fails to provi appropriate sclosure. The Stanrstates thmembers must sclose the nature of the consiration or benefit—for example, whether flfee or percentage basis; one¬time or continuing benefit; baseon performance—together with the estimatemonetary value. Although Klein acknowlees receipt of referrfees from the fun he es not sclose estimatellvalue or the nature of the consiration. 描述中并未提到关于suitability的事情呀,怎么就判断适合客户的呢?

2024-07-27 19:07 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201604030300004404 问题如下 4. When recommenng the mutufunto Vanron, es Klein violate any CFA Stanr? A.No. B.Yes, relating to suitability. C.Yes, relating to referrfees. C is correct.Klein violates StanrVI(relating to ReferrFees because he fails to provi appropriate sclosure. The Stanrstates thmembers must sclose the nature of the consiration or benefit—for example, whether flfee or percentage basis; one¬time or continuing benefit; baseon performance—together with the estimatemonetary value. Although Klein acknowlees receipt of referrfees from the fun he es not sclose estimatellvalue or the nature of the consiration. 题目中,披露了会有referfee也不对吗?那是要详细披露包括具体费用才算正确做法吗

2022-08-01 18:36 1 · 回答

老师好!请问一下 怎么样披露referfee 才算遵守了准则呢?

2020-08-28 11:37 1 · 回答


2020-07-12 23:11 1 · 回答