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坚持努力 · 2025年01月06日




Beatriz Maestre is a fixed-income consultant who has been retained by Filipe Ruelas, the CFO of Cávado Produtos Agricolas, SA (Cávado). Cávado is a manufacturer of prepared foods headquartered in Braga, Portugal.

In their first face-to-face meeting, Ruelas gathers a group of his employees and asks Maestre to explain the methods Cávado uses to manage interest rate risk. Maestre starts by discussing the nature of pension fund management. She tells the group, “With a defined-benefit pension fund, the assets are structured to match the expected cash outflows required to meet the liabilities, making it a form of liability-driven investing (LDI). Pension funds can be difficult to manage, because neither the timing nor the amount of the liabilities is known in advance with certainty. With LDI, interest rate risk management efforts focus on changes in the values of the assets because the liabilities, while uncertain, aren’t affected by changes in interest rates.”

Is Maestre’s description of pension fund management as a form of LDI most likely correct?





No, she is incorrect regarding the focus of interest rate risk management.


No, she is incorrect regarding the difficulty of managing pension funds.


B is correct. Liability-driven investing (LDI) is a form of asset/liability management (ALM). All ALM strategies require the manager to incorporate the interest rate sensitivity of both the assets and the liabilities in the portfolio management process. The amount and timing of pension fund liabilities may be sensitive to changes in interest rates if retirement decisions are based on other savings or salaries change with market interest rates. Further, the value of the liability portfolio would change with changes in interest rates because of a discount rate effect, even if the amount or timing of the payments do not change.

A is incorrect because LDI must take into account the net interest rate sensitivity of both the asset and liability portfolios.

C is incorrect because defined-benefit pension fund liabilities are Type IV liabilities (timing and amount of cash flows is uncertain), and these are the most difficult liabilities to manage.

cash amount 为什么是未知

1 个答案

发亮_品职助教 · 2025年01月07日

DB fund的cash amount是不能提前确定的。

就是在分类的时候,看的是这个cash amount能不能提前确定,如果可以,则属于amount certain,如固定利率债券的cash flow金额提前可以确定,属于certain。

callable bond的amount也可以提前确定,在债券发行时就已经知道了现金流模式,无非就是分成提前赎回or不赎回,但现金流amount是提前已知的、提前确定好的。

但DB fund,未来的cash flow不能提前确定。因为未来养老金支付多少,会受到多个不确定变量的影响。

如,员工是否会提前离职,未来的inflation改变,工资增长程度,员工的寿命(决定员工拿多少期cash flow),这些都是影响DB fund liability的因素。

以上因素是不能确定的,所以导致DB fund不确定。

所以在估算DB liability的时候,我们会给一个假设,假设员工退休年龄,假设员工寿命,假设工资增长率等等。对于DB fund而言,也只能估算amount,不能确定amount。

DB fund属于type 4,金额和时间都不确定,是最难管理的一类负债。

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