Execution risk is the risk of an adverse price movement occurring over the trading horizon owing to a change in the fundamental value of the security or because of trading-induced volatility. Execution risk is often proxied by price volatility. Securities with higher levels of price volatility have greater exposure to execution risk than securities with lower price volatility.
The permanent component of price change associated with trading an order is the market price impact caused by the information content of the trade. The larger the size of the trade expressed as a percentage of ADV, the larger the expected market impact cost.
2) 另外有个小问题补充问一下,execution risk在expanded shortfall里又拆分成了delay cost和trading cost,所以delay cost是起心动念到真的去下单中间耽搁的时间,然后trading cost是下单到成交的差异,这样理解是对的么?
execution risk可以直接等价于波动率,也就是风险,影响execution risk的是交易速度,和价格变化趋势朝哪个方向变动无关。
交易的越慢,execution risk越大,不确定性越大;交易越快,execution risk越小,不确定性越小。
这个execution risk和execution cost两者的联系是如上所述可以统一一起记忆的对吗